A Shot In The Dark

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Soon enough they got over the fact that it was raining. They all sat on the couch, squished together. Most of them were mindlessly watching t.v. Alex was on the phone with a pizza delivery guy, and as of Jeremy he was staring off into the distance, lost in his own mind. Jeremy ignored his surroundings as he was being strangled with the thoughts and the feels that pierced his heart like a bullet to the chest. 

His thoughts trailed off into nothingness leaving him in absolute darkness. He felt alone and wanted someone to grasp him from this hell hole of a mind. He needed to reach out to someone... someone close. He turned his head to see the smiles of his band mates. 'I can't just interrupt him. He's happy.' Jeremy thought as he watched Josh. Josh looked over catching the emotionless stare that Jeremy was giving to him.

Jeremy looked away, diverting his eyes to the t.v. 'SpongeBob' was playing, Jeremy laughed underneath  his breath as he saw his best friends enjoying a child's show. He got up, making his way to the tour bus door. " Jeremy! Where are you going?" Alex said with a tone of voice that made it seem like Jeremy was leaving forever. "I'm just going out for a bit. I'll be back." He said with a smile to comfort Alex. 

"Now sweetie take a jacket now it's raining." Neil said in a shaky high pitched voice. "OK MOM." He responded with a teenager type groan as he put on a hoodie. "Be back before night son." Kevin said in a fatherly tone. The bus was filled with laughter, with that Jeremy left the bus. Jeremy walked and walked soon stumbling upon a small convenience store. He walked in browsing the drinks they had. He grabbed a Monster, shuffling to the counter to pay a familiar voice chimed In  behind him. 'Hey I thought I would find you here.' 

Spooked, he turned around fast to see no one behind him. 'It's all in your head dummy.' He thought, turning around to pay. He took his drink and walked out the door. 'Am I going crazy? Now I'm hearing voices.' He thought as he made his way to the tour bus, he opened the door to only be greeted by his band mates stuffing their faces with pizza and laughs as they pointed at the screen.

They heard the door to see a man soaked man, rain running down his face. "JEREMY!" They all yelled in unison. Jeremy made his way to the table and set his drink down. "Maybe you should change." Josh said with a full mouth, "We saved you some pizza." He smiled as pizza crust poked at his cheeks. Jeremy put on a dry shirt and dry pants. He opened the pizza grabbing a slice, soon he sat on the ground in front of the couch. Seeing that his fellow lads were sprawled across the couch. 

Jeremy saw something out of the corner of his eye, it looked like a face that was going to come hurling towards him, it looked like something out of a B rated horror movie. He flenched, causing him to hit his head on the couch. A loud yelp escaped his lips causing the others to look at him. Of course Josh was the first to the scene. "Jeremy, are you okay?" Josh said with worry in his voice. Jeremy nodded, holding the he sore spot. 'You're seeing things, you're heads playing tricks on you.' He thought, with a pained look across his face.

Mr. Highway Is Thinking About The Endजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें