All I Want

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     It was a jumbled mess, police was there, the ambulance was there to take Jeremy away. The police officers took the boy's statements, only Josh didn't give his. He was too worried about Jeremy to speak. They hopped into the back of the ambulance. Kevin was the first to speak. 

       "Isn't this what he wanted?" He spoke quietly. Kevin didn't mean to have it sound rude but his tone said other wose. 

        "Can you not right now that would be really great." Neil snapped back with anger. They had finally arrived to the hospital. It was cold, rainy, and dark. Jeremy was wheeled off to the emergency room to be worked on. The lads watched from a far, watching the nurses and doctors poke Jeremy's  seemingly lifeless body wit prongs and other instruments. A tall man walked out removing his groves from his hands. 

          "He's going to be fine, he just needs to rest. We'll put him in a recovery room, he just maybe unconscious for awhile." The man said as the nurses wheeled him to a recovery room. The doctor left leaving the boys in an empty, quiet, and uneasy waiting room. They stood there awkwardly for a good 7 seconds, Josh was the first to run off down the hall towards Jeremy's  room, fists clenched. The others followed behind. They grabbed chairs and huddled around his bed, waiting for him to finally gain consciousness again. 

        It was morning, Alex had gotten food for all of them, their spirits were lifted with hope that today will be the day that Jeremy will wake up. Jeremy could hear talking of familiar voices. A soft groan escaped his mouth.

      "Guys?" Jeremy spoke softly his words slurred. Everyone got silent, waiting, watching. 

       "My head hurts." He complained, moving his hand to his forehead. A roar of yelling and celebration filled the room and the hospital. Jeremy opened his eyes to his mates jumping with wide smiles that were a mile wide. 

     "You're up! You're up!" Alex exclaimed throwing his arms up. Tears of happiness rather than sorrow welter up in their eyes at the sight of their best friend was awake. 

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