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They finished eating, the lads said their good nights, leading themselves to their bunks. Jeremy didn't get up from the table, he didn't want to move. He laid his head down on the table, staring out a small window that was above the table. Josh soon walked over in his pajamas. He set Jeremy's  phone on the table his hand still over it. 

"Jeremy." Josh said. Like always a groaned slipped from Jeremy's lips. He didn't feel like speaking, he didn't feel like he wanted to even be there. Josh sighed, he sat in the chair opposite of him, blocking Jeremy's view of the outside world. "I know you can speak." He heard the man speak again, continuing he said, " Jeremy you need to talk. I don't care if you want to or not. You're too upset to even be around your own band mates." He said with sass and determination.

Jeremy finally broke getting fed up with getting told what to do. "Fine Josh." Jeremy angerly muttered. "I hurt, real bad. I don't even know why I'm upset anymore. All I know is sometimes I don't even want to exist." He sobbed putting his hands to his face. Josh had never seen Jeremy cry, and they've been friends for a long time. Josh extended his arms, he grabbed Jeremy's forearms. 

"You can't let that get to you, you have to fight it. I know that's hard, but man do I.. we believe in you." Josh cooed in a soft voice. Jeremy looked up at Josh, it was dark. "But, I can't. I just..." Jeremy said with a choke in his throat with teary eyes. "But you can! I'll be here, Neil, Alex, and Kevin are here too. We aren't going to leave you." Josh said sternly. In reply all Jeremy could do is sob. He felt tears stream down his cheeks.

Josh could bare to see the sight of his best friend cry. He wiped Jeremy's tear stained cheeks. Jeremy looked at him. Josh just smiled as he put his hands back on the table. "You should sleep. You'll be ti-" Josh was interrupted by the sound of rain drops on the bus roof. The both looked out side. "Anyways", Josh continued again, " You'll be tired." Jeremy stood up, changing he headed for his bunk. Before climbing in Josh stopped him. "I'm here." He said with a whisper. Jeremy nodded climbing into his bed. He slept till the morning.

He was woken by the moans and groans from his band mates about the heavy rain. He rubbed his eyes, he slid out of bed walking out to the distressed lads. Neil and Kevin looked about him with frowns upon their cheeks as they whined and pointed to the rain. Alex and Josh sat on the couch giggling like girls. Jeremy just chuckled. "Sorry guys, I guess it's canceled." Jeremy plopped down into the couch next to Alex. 

"Well do something Jeremy." Neil whined. In reply Jeremy just shrugged. "Sorry guys can't."

//A little authors note: so I pretty much poured my own feelings into this.//

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