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Josh left Jeremy's bunk and climbed back into his own. Jeremy tried to sleep but couldn't. Soon enough the sun shined through all of the windows, to Jeremy's surprise everyone was up, he didn't hear them. He must have dozed off. Jeremy crawled out of his bunk, showing his exhaustion on his face. The guys heard a groan as the tired man shuffled in. Josh watched him out of the corner of his eyes. 

"Looks like Jeremy didn't sleep." Kevin chimed in as he sat down at the small foldable table they had. Alex brought Jeremy a plate of fresh, warm, pancakes. Jeremy smiled at the younger lad with thanks as Alex patted his back. They all sat around the table chit chatting about the fans and the tour. Jeremy didn't much pay attention as he ate, every once and a while he would hear something interesting. Jeremy hadn't spoke one word since he woke up. After their small breakfast, they were shooed to go get dressed and get ready for one more day of rehearsal.

Jeremy was the first to get done, the others got quickly done. They made their way to the stage, Jeremy lingered behind the group, not wanting to even move, let alone sing. When they approached  the stage, they noticed all of their instruments and amps were already set up. They were all settled with their instruments as Jeremy lingered onto the stage. Kevin and Neil looked to Josh for an answer, he just shrugged. 

"What song are we practicing first Jeremy?" Alex asked in a sweet innocent tone. Jeremy thought for a moment and replied with a soft spoke voice saying " How about Sometimes You're The Hammer, Sometimes You're The Nail." He felt anger stir deep down in his gut, he didn't know why.

They practiced, at the end of the song his fellow lads were shocked, seeing how well Jeremy preformed. Kevin and Neil noted that there was anger in how he preformed. They took five, putting their instruments down Neil and Kevin went to Josh, pulling him behind the stage. 

"What's up with Jeremy? You must know." Neil said standing in front of the other lad. "I know nothing." Josh replied with a sass in his voice. Kevin rolled his eyes. " You guys are super close, I know you know." Kevin snapped back. After them bickering back and forth for awhile Josh finally broke. 

"Fine. Fine. Jeremy has been...." Josh bit the inside of his cheek, " he's been depressed. Don't go making a scene." He grabbed their shoulders tightly to make them stay. "It'l be okay, we just need to keep an eye on him. That's all." Josh sternly said. They all shook hands and made a deal about it. 

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