Chapter 3

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When I came home, my smile was still evident. To be honest, I don't think it would ever leave. Maybe it was because I made my first friend, or maybe it was because it was a boy. Whatever it was, it made me happy.

"Why so happy?" John said as he folded up the newspaper, uncrossing his legs. "Find that new toy of yours?"

"It's not a toy John," I chuckled, swiping a lock of hair that fell from behind my ear. "It's called a cajon. And yes, I did." I said, holding up the wooden box.

"All that money for a box?" He chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." I replied and stuck out my tongue, giggling as he shook his head.

"Your mums making dinner" he said, pointing at my mum over a pot, steam rising up against her face.

I nodded and quickly ran up to my room, swinging the door behind me. I sat the cajon in the corner of my room next to my backpack; the one that I would use for school on Monday. Thankfully, it would be my last year.

I slid out of my shoes, sitting cross-legged on my bed. It was only about 5, so I had plenty of time to myself before dinner was ready.

I took out my phone, scrolling through twitter. It only reminded me of my friends that I left back home, and that I would have to go to a new school and make new friends. That terrified me. I wasn't an outcast, I wasn't weird and I didn't have a mole I the side of my face, but making new friends wasn't my thing. Just the thought made my hands sweat.

I took a deep breath, shaking the thoughts out of my head before I stressed myself out. My mind tended to get the best of me most of the time. I wasn't too keen on that.

To take my mind off of that, I grabbed my remote control to the TV, flipping through the unfamiliar channels. I bit my cheek, settling on MTV for now. I laid back, resting my head over my crossed arm, my phone laying on my stomach.

I jumped when my phone buzzed, my drowsiness being completely knocked out of me. I took a deep breath, laughing at myself for getting so scared. I unlocked my phone, leaning on one arm as I read the message.

'(Unknown): Ellie?'

I didn't have to thing twice about who this was, but I still took precautionary measures.

'You: and this is...'

'(Unknown): Ashton. From the music shop'

I smiled to myself, biting my lip. I quickly saved his number before relying to his text.

'You: yeah, it's me :)'

'Ashton: okay, I was just making sure you didn't give me the wrong number haha'

'You: now why would I do that? I still have to here that band of yours ;)'

'Ashton: just making sure! You'll here them soon enough'

'You: why wait?'

'Ashton: suspense ;)'

'You: I don't like suspense'

'Ashton: ah, that's a shame'

'You: c'mon, just one song'

'Ashton: you did here one song. From the shop, remember?'

'You: cheater!'

'Ashton: sorry sweetie ;)'

"El! Dinner!" My mother called from downstairs, making me sigh. "Be right there!"

'You: I got to go, talk to you later?'

'Ashton: of course :)'

I locked my phone and laid it on my bed, trotting down the stairs as I began to smell the food. My mom has always been a good cook.


The next day came, another day to relax before I'm back to the daily routine of school. The first day of school, especially in a new school, was always the worst.

I climbed out of my comfy bed, subconsciously combing with my fingers through the knots in my hair.

The house was empty; Emma had a dentist appointment and Mom didn't know her way around Sydney, so John offered to drive. I figured they would get something to eat, so I was alone for quite awhile.

I took my morning shower, dressing in a light gray sweater and black shorts. There was no one to see anyway.

I made myself breakfast, sitting down in front of the TV. Nothing to watch. I grabbed my phone from the table, balancing my cereal bowl on my knees.

I pursed my lips, taking a spoonful of cereal before clicking on the conversation I had with Ashton.

'You: entertain me' Ha, blunt.

I eventfully finished my cereal, putting the dirty dish in the sink before laying back down on the sofa. I settled on old reruns of 'Friends', pulling the blanket that hung from the side of the sofa onto me. My phone went off on the table, peeling my eyes off of the TV for a second to read the text.

'Ashton: I'm not your slave :p'

'You: oh c'mon ashy! I'm bored'

'Ashton: ashy? Really?'

'You: fine, rash. Better?'

'Ashton: okay belly'

'You: belly?'

'Ashton: belly! It rhymes with Ellie.'

'You: nice try you geek'

'Ashton: whatever you say, belly'

'You: okay rashy ashy'

'Ashton: you're hilarious'

'You: don't ya think?'

'Ashton: whatever belly'

I was in the middle of typing in my response - which might I add was cleaver - when my phone started to ring. I smiled and rolled my eyes at the name: Ashton.

"Hey ashy" I said, a smug grin on my face as I stretched out, my head dangling from the edge of the couch.

"Belly" he chuckled, crossing my legs on the too of the couch.

"So listen . . . " he mused, "I was wondering if you'd like to come over later" he said, his voice really low and slightly muffled.

"As in a date?" I smirked.

"No! No, just friends" he gushed, seeming a bit flustered.

"Calm down Ashy, I'll go" I giggled, running my hand through my hair. Only friends. Remember that.

"Great" he said, his smile evident through his tone. He gave me his address and I wrote it down with a pen on my arm, knowing if I wrote it anywhere else, I'd loose it.

"Alright, see you in like, 30 minutes?" I said, swinging my feet on the stool I switched to.

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Alright, see you in a bit. Bye" I hung up after he said his goodbyes, pressing my lips together.

Just friends.


Not near my best :/ sorry! Filler chapters suck butttttt a better chapter next time.

Read 'Hoax' by @sadlys will ya?

As always, thanks so much for reading. I love you all. Especially kitty.

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