Chapter 7

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The rest of the week was amazing; as planned, Ashton and I spend everyday after school together. Not a day apart. It felt good to have someone like that, someone who, no matter what, is always there. We became close, he's known things about me that no one else has. Not even my 'friends' back home, which I might add have rudely disconnected themselves from me.

Soon enough, like he promised, Ashton introduced me to his band. They played a few songs and I was in shock; they were amazing. It was my style of music as well. All of his band mates are hilarious and fun to be around; the type of people that you laugh constantly with. My type of people. Calum, Luke, and Michael is I recall correctly.

But as we all know, the day I've been waiting for has finally come. Today was the day that Marcus would be taking me out to dinner, with the approval of my parents of course. I was nervous to say the least, I've never been the type of girl that guys goggled over. I was contempt and kept to myself; another reason why I didn't have much friends or many boyfriends.

"This dress . . . Is perfect" Amanda gushed, shoving the beautiful black dress towards me. Two pieces of fabric wrapped around the neck, crossing each other from the bottom of the neckline of the dress. The back was cut open, showing off a good portion of my back. I was nervous about the dress. Sure it was gorgeous and every girl dreams of having this dress, but I wasn't the most comfortable girl with her body. It was Amanda's dress as well, and . . . Well, we don't have the exact same frame. While she's all skin and bones, Im a little meatier and bustier. Fantastic.

As for Amanda, she was my go-to. She wasn't the most elegant, but see definitely knew much more about dressing out than me. Apparently the place Marcus was taking me was very fancy and sophisticated; something I'm definitely not used to. It gave me goosebumps just thinking about it.

"I don't know Amanda . . . It's really pretty, but I don't know if it'll look right on me" I blushed, but the foundation on the skin of my face covered most of the embarrassing red glow.

"You'll look fine, trust me" she said, laying the dress in my arms and pushing me into the bathroom. I took a deep breath, changing into the far-too-elegant-for-my-taste dress.

Once I was done, I was a little disappointed. It fit like a glove, but the dress fell into a black puddle at me feet. Amanda was taller by about 3 inches, so it shouldn't have even a problem for her. While me on the other hand felt like I was drowning in the soft fabric. Heels it is.

I fixed my hair, tucking away the extra strands and walking out to where Amanda was.

I saw her sitting on my bed and I cleared my throat. She shot her head up and smiled, but it immediately faded when she saw the length problem.

"Don't worry! That's fixable" she scrambled to my closet, tossing random shoes out of the way.

"God damn it El, do you have anything other than - found them!" She squealed, laying out a pair of black large heels with straps covering the front that I only used once to a funeral; I haven't had a use for them ever since. It was my last resort, so I slid them on quickly.

"Thanks so much for helping me get ready, I probably would've looked like a complete wreck" I smiled, standing up. It gave me a definitely height boost, which I admired greatly.

"Its no problem. Marcus will love it" she said, biting her lips while she waited for me to stand.

I pursed my lips, looking at myself in the mirror. I smile crept to my face, I did look pretty hot. My makeup was done well, not too much and not too little. The smoky look she have me was perfect, and the color of my pale skin contrasted beautifully with the color of the dress.

"You look gorgeous" she said, smiling at her own creation. Even with these dreaded heels, she was just about as tall as me.

"Thank you" I smiled, a bit of my nervousness fading away. But it soon returned when I heard a doorbell, my heart racing. I was about to freak, but heard my mothers voice calling up to me that it was just Ashton. Luckily my mother had met him, before jumping to conclusions and grilling poor Ashton thinking it was Marcus.

I let go of the breath that I had been holding subconsciously, realizing how scared I actually was. I heard a light knock on my wall, turning to the doorway to see Ashton. His mouth dropped open, earning a giggle from Amanda.

"Wow . . . You look stunning" he said, coming up to me smiling. "I can hug you, right?"

"Of course you loser" I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his neck. He held me close, taking a deep breath before pulling away. He kissed me cheek, something we've developed over the past few days we've been together.

The doorbell rang again, and this time I knew to panic. I scrambled to get my handbag, stuffing my phone, money, and a few other things inside of it before taking another deep breath.

"This is it, go before your parents kill the boy" Amanda laughed, calming my nerves slightly.

I walked downstairs, holding onto the rail as I got used to my heels. I saw Marcus downstairs with my parents, dressed in blazer with dressy slacks. He looked handsome. Very handsome. I made my steps quicker before my mom could say anything embarrassing.

Their heads turned to me and my mother stopped talking, along with everyone else. They looked at me, and again I blushed.

"Homey . . . you look fantastuc" my mother gushed, covering her mouth with her hand.

Marcus had a wide grin on his face, walking over to me slowly when I finally reached the bottom of the stairs.

"You look beautiful" he whispered, smiling softly at me before Ashton cleared his throat. I glared at Ashton before turning to face everyone.

"Mom, John, Ashton, Amanda, Emma," I paused, giggling when she waved over dramatically "this is Marcus" I said, watching them all force smiles.

"Pleased to meet you" my mother said, stepping forwards and holding out her hand.

"Pleasures all mine Ms. Parker" he said, nodding at her before shaking Johns hand. As he moved onto Ashton, Ashton stiffened.

"Hello, I'm Ellie's best friend-" he said, cut off by a slap in the arm from Amanda before smirking and continuing. "Ashton." He said, shaking Marcus' hand with a curt nod.

"Nice to meet you" Marcus mumbled, giving a wave at Amanda since they already knew each other. Ashton stepped forward, pulling Marcus to the side for a minute.

"Make sure you take care of her, wouldn't want that pretty face of yours ruined" I heard Ashton whisper in Marcus's ear in all seriousness, patting Marcus on the shoulder. I saw them share a glare before we left, making me frown.


The rest of the night was amazing; Marcus was a gentlemen the whole night through. And them there comes the doorstep goodbyes.

"I really had a lot of fun tonight" Marcus said as he stopped in front of my front door and turned towards me.

"I did too, thank you for tonight" I smiled, biting my lip. And let the games being.

He leaned in slowly, and I was sure what he was going to do. I leaned in as well, catching his lips with mine. It was short, but very meaningful. Who would've thought he was so kindhearted?

"We should do this again sometime" he said, blushing slightly himself. I couldn't quite tell, his cheeks were always rosy.

"Of course" I smiled, giving him another peck on the lips before saying goodbye. He walked back to his car and drove away, leaving me smiling. My heart swelled, not containing my grin as I walked into the door.


By the way, if you haven't heard the song 'Heartbreak Girl' by 5 Seconds of Summer, of course, it wouldn't make sense!

Thank you for you guys' sweet comments, it gives me the biggest smile!

I love you guys all x

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