Chapter 20

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My blood boiled.

And if it were a cartoon, I'm sure smoke would be spewing out of my ears and my face would be as a red as a tomato. My hair would be singed like when Lava Girl from 'Shark Boy and Lava Girl' got mad. Bottom line: I was pissed.

Amanda... She knew. She knew what he did to me, she knew how much of a jackass he was and by the Girl Code laws, this is illegal. She cheated. She cut corners. Of course it would be easy for Amanda to get Marcus to notice her, she was my best friend and what guy wouldn't want to have a rebound girl to make it seem like I meant nothing to him?

And just when I thought things where going even the slightest bit good, everything gets messed up. I can't quite put my finger on it. This odd sense of pain that I was. This odd sense of attachment, scared to lose anything close to my heart because of my dark past.

But like the perfect boyfriend and best friend Ashton could be to notice my loss for words, he looked around. Once he noticed Marcus and Amanda, cuddling and kissing like a newlywed couple, he sucked in a puff of air.

"Shit" I whispered under his breath, "Ellie" he said, grabbing my hands from across the table and holding them firmly. I just shook my head,

"I need closure" I whispered to him. With a peck on the lips, I was gone. I needed to do this. Towards his table I went, revenge cursing my mind.

Despite my constant debates in my head, despite my sweaty hands and frazzled mind, I reminded myself over and over again that I needed this. I needed closure. To move on, I need closure. At least that's what Rachel's blind date Michael said to Rachel when she couldn't get over Ross from the show 'Friends'. Closure is key to happiness, and happiness is key to success.

My happiness is Ashton.

And in order to completely focus on Ashton, I need closure. And a whole lot of revenge.

When I approached his table, my tongue went numb. My fingers tingled and my mind went blank... I was left just staring at them.

Marcus looked up, a slight smirk etching his lips as if he were enjoying my pure sense of fear. He was evil. Cold blooded. Heartless.

I stared at the table, not being able to make eye contact with any of them. But my peripheral vision allowed me t see Amanda. Her pure shock-filled expression led me to believe that she was just as surprised to see me as I was. Fucker.

The only thing that came to mind was from looking at the mustard and ketchup bottles. I grabbed them both, popping open the caps.

"Need some mustard and ketchup for your tramp?" I asked, them sprayed Amanda with the condiments. Serves her.

And before they could retaliate, I ran.



I'm so so so so super duper sorry for not updating for almost a month, that was pretty ridiculous on my part.

I was so busy, it was ridiculous. As the soccer seasons come to an end, I should be able to write a lot more.

But I can definitely tell you that I won't be updating the weekend of November 2nd because it's my birthday :)

Please please please leave your feedback, it definitely motivates me and pushes me to continue on with this story when I read your comments. It helps a ton :)

Anywho, thank you for reading! See you soon, I love all of you, my little lemon drops from heaven.

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