Chapter 19

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I pulled away. I had too. Partially because we were in public, and partially because the initial shock of him kissing me wore off. My conscious finally came down from the high it was on from kissing and left me with one though, I'm kissing Ashton.

I was supposed to be mad at him. I mean, he hasn't put me through the best situations lately, but neither have I to him. We've both said things we didn't mean, empty insults, weak threats. Been there, done that.

The look that he held in his eyes, the stare he maintained with me made me want to crawl in a hole and bury myself 30 feet underground. There was no doubt that I felt something. But I can't bring myself to think what that something was; whether it was good or bad.

"Well?" He asked, and I knew I had really didn't have any time for my mind to press further into the subject. It's a do or die situation.

"It wasn't bad" I shrugged nonchalantly (or as nonchalantly as I could). I couldn't hide the smile on my face though, the childish blush and the giggly state I was in.

He smiled wide, knowing he had some kind of affect on me. "So, we're good?"

"Wouldn't see why not" I said, but I was entitled to be mad at him for many reasons, as was he. But holding a grudge would do me no justice, now would it?

"Good" he chuckled, standing up. I stood up with him, my arms crossed over my chest as we began to walk to what I assumed was his car.

"So..." He said, digging his hands in his pockets.

"So..." I said back, looking down at our feet that were in perfect stride together.

"What are we now? I mean, we just kissed... Our we like boyfriend and girlfriend?" Ashton asked.

"Did you ask me to be your girlfriend?" I asked, chuckling.

"I guess not" he grinned, "well, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I just simply nodded. And after everything, after all of our tribulations, against many odds, we're together. After every stupid mistake, every stupid fight, every awkward moment, every day we spent together, every song we sang, every band rehearsal, every Blimk-182 band t-shirts, every night spend sleeping together, every bit of heart break, every 'I love you', every hello, every goodbye, every goodnight, every goodmorning, every late night call... We're together. And something tells me it's far from over.

He reached out for my hand silently as we walked, enjoying each other's company. We were both never the ones who dated many people, we were both really awkward, really weird, when it came to things like this, so it was funny to see us holding hands. Us out of all people.

His hands were always massive, and I loved to tease him about it. He had the perfect drummer hands, and I loved them to pieces.

And though I constantly battled with myself, heart against mind, I knew I loved him to pieces.


As we approached the restaurant he wanted to take me to, I finally began to speak.

"So do you like the new iOS7 update?" I asked, and he laughed.

"I just asked you to be my girlfriend and that's all you have to say?" He laughed, one that I've grown to love more and more.

"Yes, you booger" I said, bonking him with my hip as we walked into the little restaurant. A bakery really.

He laughed again, "Alright, yes. I do like it... Babe" he said with a smirk, and I cringed.

"Oh god, please work on that" I laughed, "correction, please work on that babe" I said, laughing as he shook his head.

The lady at the front smiled at us, grabbing two menus.

"Table for two?" She asked, and Ashton nodded. We both walked hand in hand behind the lady, taking a seat (which Ashton kindly pulled out for me) where the menus were placed.

"My name is Kelsey, holler if you need me" she said with an all-too-fake smile. I saw Ashton roll his eyes, and it made me laugh.

Remembering I had to talk to Amanda, I got out my phone and sent her a quick text. She informed me she was on a date, and I replied with a wink before Ashton spoke up.

"Who're you texting?" He asked, looking through the different items on the menu.

"Manda, she's on a date" I said with a sly smirk.

"Ooh, get it in girl" he laughed, his voice high as he tried to impersonate a girl.

I laughed too, shaking my head at him. "You're stu-"And then I saw him.


No no, not just Marcus, Marcus and Amanda.



So I'm reaaalllyy sorry I didn't update last week, I had a tournament for soccer and I was on the fields constantly.

Thank you so so so much, all of you. You are all my lovelies. I love you so much my little lemon drops.

Dedication goes to @CaroChiuLara with her story 'Letters To Luke' because she was nice to me and I read it :)

And @LilyW33 left a great comment, it was so nice :-------) love ya girl!

Okay okay okay so something new

If this chapter gets 40 votes before Friday, I'll update earlier.

So vote it up! I love you all, my little butt butts. Stay safe and wherever you are is e m o t i o n a l

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