Chapter 5

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Waking up to the sound of my alarm has to be one of the most annoying things ever. The anticipation for today was enough to keep my awake most of the night.

I stopped my alarm, rubbing my eyes and stretching out my arms. Today was the day day; the day that I was forced to be put into a school with no one I know. Great.

I climbed out of the comfort of my bed, walking over to my closet. The light downstairs was on, so I figured John or no mom was awake.

I grabbed a towel, making my way to my bathroom. I stripped my pajamas off, tossing them in the laundry bin. I set the water temperature to my liking, goosebumps shooting throughout my body when I hit the water.

I cleaned my body and my hair, glad that I set the alarm 2 hours before I had to leave the house. I always took forever getting ready.

I went to my room, picking out a pair of dark jeans with a 'Rolling Stones' muscle tee. I slipped on a pair of black Vans and made my way through the hallway to the bathroom once again.

It was still a little steamy when I walked inside of the bathroom, but not steamy enough to leave the mirrors foggy. I plugged in the hair-drier, drying my hair and straightening it soon after.

I put lotion on my elbows, adding a bit of makeup to mask my flaws and blacken my eyelashes.

By the time I was finished, I barely had enough time to get my back ready. I slung my backpack over my shoulders, sliding my fully charged phone in my pocket as I ran down the steps.

"I made you toast, sweetie" my mom said as I reached the last step.

"Thank you" I huffed, taking the toast out of the toaster and lazily spreading butter over the top.

"You can take the car. I don't have to go anywhere today. Be back as soon as you get off of school, I'm trusting you" she said, pointing her finger at me. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, kissing her cheek.

"I promise I'll be back, love you!" I said, dusting the crumbs off of my hands and mouth before I grabbed the keys and left the house.

I tossed my bag in the passenger seat, sighing as I was slightly out of breath. I turned on the radio low, starting to drive the way the GPS led me. It wasn't far at all, only about a 3 blocks from my home. I could've walked.

I parked, pressing my lips together as I mustered up enough courage to face school. I hastily grabbed my backpack, dragging it so the straps were around my shoulders.

I could see everyone; smiled on their faces as they caught up with their old friends. Others cheered when they saw their old friend, running up to hug them. The boys mainly watched the girls, scoping them out. A summer could change a girls body... A lot.

I kept my head low as I made my way through the doors, clutching my schedule tight to me. I hoped and prayed that the bell would ring soon; I didn't want to be the only person alone.

I chewed on my bottom lip, taking slow steps. I went on my phone to not look like the biggest loser, smiling when I saw Ashton's text.


Aw. Sweet boy.

'Me: thank you :) lucky you don't have to go'


'Me: can't. My mom said come 'straight home'. After?'


So we moved to that stage now? X's at the end of the conversations? Could get used to that . . .

When the ball rang, I let out a huge sigh of relief. I pursed my lips as I looked at my first class, reading the room number.

I weaved my way through the crowd of teenagers, eventually reaching the room. I opened the door, meeting the warm eyes of the teacher. She gave me a sweet smile, sending her back one as I scanned the class room. I sighed in relief as I saw one familiar person; Amanda, From the music shop. Finally, one person.

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