Chapter 4

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I jumped off of the wooden stool in the kitchen, turning off the TV as I made my way upstairs. There was no reason to change out if my clothes, so I just combed through my thick black hair and slipped into a pair of white Vans.

I took out my phone and texted my mother, telling her I was going to a friends and taking the car. I might have not mentioned it was a boy, sole things are better left untold. I still don't even know why I text her every time, I'm getting to the age where it's my decision.

I stuffed my phone in my back pocket, making my way down the stairs quickly. I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I searched for the keys, looping my finger through the key ring and swinging it around once I found them.

After I was settled inside the car, I turned on the radio, scrunching my sleeve up and putting the address into the GPS.

It wasn't that long before I arrived, taking a deep breath as I opened the door. I groaned as the sun glared through my sweater, making me feel like I'm being baked alive.

I walked the concrete path, dodging the cracks. It was a habit of mine ever since I was little, even if it makes me walk like a complete retard.

Eventually I got to the long, red door, ringing the doorbell. Just to aggravate him, I pressed it a few more times. I shifted on my toes slightly, holding up the sleeve with my fingers so it wouldn't cover my hands.

Soon, the door opened, Ashton smiling once he saw me.

"Hey" I said, waving a little.

"Hi" he chuckled, "come in" he said, stepping away from the doorway so I could walk in. I have him a small smile as I walked in, looking around the house.

"Nice place you got here" I said, turning around to face him.

"Thanks" he said with a cheeky grin. I followed him towards the living room. It's very open, two couches resting against the walls.

"So I was thinking we could just watch a film" he shrugged, "or we could just sit around and talk. I ordered a pizza so it should be comin' soon" he said, taking a lazy seat on the couch.

I took off my shoes, laying them neatly against the wall. He patted the area of couch next to him, a wide smile present. His dimples formed, his eyes squished into small slits. I rolled my eyes and giggled, sitting down so there was a comfortable 6 inches between us.

"We could just talk, I don't actually know you." I said, leaning back into the cushion of the couch. He nodded, sitting cross-crossed on the couch.

"Alright, my name is Ashton Irwin. Um, I have a younger brother and a younger sister. I'm in a band, I play the drums, I can slightly sing, I have two younger siblings, my favorite movie is 'Pursuit of Happiness', erm, my birthday is July 7th" he said, racking his mind for any other things to say. I blushed when I smiled, "your turn"

"Okay, so . . . I'm from Brooklyn. I have an obsession with Paramore and Ed Sheeran, my full name is Ellie Marie Parker. My favorite movie is currently 'Man of Steel', my birthday is November 2nd, I have younger sister named Emma. Um . . . I can play the drums, I had a turtle names Pepper that drowned herself. Himself. I don't know" I hook my head and laughed, combing through my hair with my fingers.

"It drowned herself? Pleasant" he chuckled. He cracked his fingers, wiggling his toes through his socks.

"I know! I was so sad, but I couldn't help but laugh" I said, separating my hair into two parts and letting it cascade over my boney shoulders. It fell to just about the end of my ribs, my softly waves straightened into pin needles; the way I liked it. He watched me, chewing on his cheek as I fixed my hair.

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