Chapter 8

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- Ashton's POV -

I watched them from the corner of the street, my hands stuffed in my pockets. I pressed my lips into a flat line, lifting up my hand to grip onto the tree that was next to me.

As he leaned in, and she leaned in as well, my fingers curled, scraping against the bark of the tree. I swallowed hard, seeing her smile widely just before their lips connected. It angered me; he treated her so badly. He didn't open the door for her, he didn't hold her hand, he didn't offer her his jacket since it was pretty chilly outside . . . He was horrible. He walked off, sitting down in his car. Douche.

I watched as he drove off in the opposite direction, my heart sinking. That kiss completely demolished my chances with her, completely crushing the hope out of me.

I know what you're thinking, 'how could you fall for a girl you met 2 weeks ago? Especially since she's your best friend?', but how could you not? She's beautiful, she's funny, she's not too girly, but not too masculine, she's . . . Perfect. And I wanted her to myself.

I should've told her, I want to kick myself in the ass for not saying anything sooner. I could've prevented this, but she seems so happy.

There was really nothing that could've gone bad on that date she had with Marcus, but deep down I wish it would've gone horrible. I wish it would've been a disaster, and she would realize that the perfect guy is right here. But of course, it didn't. The opposite actually. Polar opposite.

She was my best friend, of course I wanted her to be happy, but not with him. He's hated me ever since he first saw me, but I have no regrets with what I said. I would beat his ass in a heartbeat if he ever broke her heart.

I sighed, turning around and walking away towards my house. It wasn't until I felt the top hem of my T-shirt wet that I knew I was crying. I wiped away the tears, running my fingers through my hair. It's the worst feeling in the world knowing that there was nothing I could do.

I walked straight towards my house, opening and closing the door roughly. My mum looked at me with confusion, but I didn't say a word.

"Ashton?" My mum called, but I slammed the door to my room shut and locked it. I didn't want to see anyone, I didn't want to talk to anyone, I didn't want to even think. It was impossible. My mind was running a thousand miles per hour, mentally screaming at myself for letting her go without a fight.

I slipped my shoes off and curled up under the blanket, tugging on the tips of my hair. The way she looked at him after they kissed kept replaying in my head. The way she smiled, the way her eyes twinkled the way I thought they only did for me. In the pit of my stomach I always thought she liked me, but I was wrong. I hate being wrong.

I loathed in my own misery, ignoring the knocks and pleads from my parents to open the door, covering my head with a pillow.

It felt like a dream, and I pinched myself repeatedly to wake up from this horrible nightmare. A huge part of me wanted this to be just a dream, and that I'll wake up and everything will be okay. No Marcus, just Ellie. My Ellie. But as I did, nothing happened. I blinked to make sure, but I was only greeted with the pillow stuffed on my face.

My glasses were foggy, the steam from my breath and tears clouding up the glass. I hastily removed them and folded them, wiping away at my eyes.

"Ashton, please open up and tell us what's wrong" my mother pleaded, knocking again. I didn't answer, not trusting my shaky voice.

I don't know why I was feeling so horrible; I should've just told her how I felt and this story would've gone completely different. But I didn't. I guess it was the nicer, more selfless thing to do. Putting her happiness first was a priority of mine, but my wellbeing was put in jeopardy for her. It was amazing, the things I do for her and I haven't even known her a month. She has me wrapped around her finger like some sort of toy. I just knew that tomorrow when I see her or call her, it would be rough because I'm no longer talking to a potential love . . . I'm talking to someone else's property. And as much as I like Ellie, I'm not a home wrecker. No matter how much of a douche Marcus is, I'm not a home wrecker.

Somehow the blankets and pillows covering my body, protecting me from the outside world, made me feel safe. Made me feel at peace. But in reality, my love life is crashing down in front of me. Who knew that one girl could really change your life?

I found myself falling asleep in a mess of blankets, the warmth providing me some sort of private oasis. Somewhere that only I could enter, and Ellie of course. Not like she would. Because now she has a boyfriend. Just the thought of that made me shudder.


I awoke the next morning, my eyes feeling like they were glued together from the dried tears. I pried them open, rubbing the crust away. The sun beed through the room brightly, even through the mess of blankets. I squinted as I fumbled for my glasses, cleaning the glass with the fabric of my shirt that I had yet to take off since yesterday.

I got up lazily, my hair looking like a curly birds nest on top of my head. But I couldn't care less, who was there to impress? My mum? Harry?

I opened the door, moping down the stairs. A squeaky floorboard gave away my presence to my mother. She looked up, her facial expression sympathetic towards me.

"Honey," she said, getting up from the sofa and walking towards me. "I was so worried about you" she said, putting her cold hand on my warm cheek.

"I'm fine" I mumbled, my voice shot completely. She gasped at my loss of voice, frowning at me.

"What happened yesterday?" She asked, clearly concerned. I forced a smile and waved it off.

"It's nothing" I said, kissing her cheek and walking away. I went to the kitchen, pouring myself a bowl of cereal. All of the scenes from last night replayed over and over, haunting my brain like some twisted demon. I knew I had to face her today, she'll start to worry if I canceled. I didn't want her to do that.

I ate quickly, putting my dish in the sink before running up the stairs, avoiding any contact with anyone. I decided to take a shower, wanting to get this scummy feeling off of my body.

The shower helped, but the lump in my throat didn't fade away though, and the bags under my eyes from crying and a bad nights sleep didn't ease up. My eyes were bloodshot, still brimming with tears slightly. I felt weak, and my throat felt like it was tightened. I felt horrible.

I called Ellie and we planned to meet at her house in 30 minutes. It scared me a little bit, she would ask my I was upset. What was I supposed to say? I had to keep my sorrow a secret. But how am I supposed to act normal after the girl of my dreams is going around kissing another man?

I got dressed quickly, only putting on a sweater with jeans. I brushed my teeth, fixing my hair before grabbing my keys. I didn't bother to say goodbye to my mom, I couldn't handle her hounding questions right now.

I got into my car, my face emotionless as I parked in front of her house. I got out, knocking on her door like I do all of the time. The door opened to reveal Ellie and Emma, both of them smiling brightly. That alone brightened my mood.

"Hey!" She smiled, balancing Emma on her hip while she opened the door. You could see all the way to the living room where Ellie's mum and soon-to-be stepfather were sitting.

"Hello Ms. Parker and Mr. Williams" I called out to them, earning smiles and hello's. I reached over and willingly took Emma out of Ellie's arms, watching Emma giggle and pat my face. I kissed the tip of her nose, smiling widely. I leaned and gave Ellie a hug, my heart yearning for a kiss from her. But, of course, I didn't.

"Shall we go upstairs?" She said, smiling and tugging my arm upstairs. I laughed, bringing Emma with me.

As we sat on the sofa upstairs, the inevitable comment that I was bound to hear, came up.

"The date with Marcus was amazing" she said, blushing creeping into her cheeks like wildfire. I shifted uncomfortably, pulling Emma onto my lap as I saw her eyes droop.

"I'm sure it was" I said, faking a smile. "Seems like a nice guy." Lies. Everything I say from now on is a lie. Telling her how I really felt was risky, very risky, so I kept that to myself. Sometimes telling people what they want to hear is necessary. I just want these feelings to go away, but every time I try, it just makes me want her more.

"He is, total gentlemen. He's so cute and adorable. His lips are so soft and-"

"Ellie!" I laughed and groaned. Who knew how good of an actor I was?

"I'm sorry! He was just so delicious" she smirked. She nudged my shoulder, and I smiled sheepishly, though my heart felt like it was shot with a million bullets.

"That's quite a way to describe a man. Poor boy doesn't know what he's got himself into" I teased, earning a slap in the arm.

"Hey! Not near the baby" I said, covering Emma's face. She laughed until she snorted, "you seriously love her more than I do" she said, smirking at me.

"Probably" I teased again and chuckled.

"Hell, you probably love her more than me" she said, sticking out her tongue. She has no idea. Look on the bright side, at least she was believing me.


Thank you guys so much! You are all so amazing, I love reading your comments. I feel so special and it definitely keeps me motivated.

I feel like I should right another fanfic. Yeah? No? No?

Anywho, I love you all xx

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