Chapter 1

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The shrill tone of my alarm made me wince as I searched around for my stupid phone. I hit it off only seconds after is sounded, looking at the awful time. 4 am.

Today was the day, moving day. Probably the most heartbreaking experience in your life. Leaving behind my friends that I've come to know and love after 17 years, all to go to waste.

Sure I was ecstatic that my mom finally remarried, but the process was annoying.

I stumbled out of my empty bed, a horrible nights sleep because my blanket was long gone with the rest of my stuff. The dim light peeking through the crack in my door signaled that my mom was awake.

I stripped myself of my pajamas, stuffing them into my backpack that I was to bring on board with me on the plane. I packed my laptop and chargers for all my electronics, finding the set of clothes I was going to wear on the way there.

The simple sweats and hoodie with my hair pulled up into a ponytail would do, along with my favorite pair of Nike indoors. I scurried to the bathroom and washed my face and teeth, grabbing my backpack and slinging it over my shoulders. I held my phone in my hands, texting all of my friends a final goodbye before I left.

I lazily made my way down the wooden stairs, watching as my mom gave Emma, my sister, some corn flakes to munch on.

"Coffee?" My mother called to me, the bags under her eyes similar to mine. All of us were definitely not used to waking up at this time of the night.

"Of course" I mumbled as I walked to the empty kitchen. My mom seemed a little flustered as she gathered the plane tickets, making sure she had the boarding passes and that all of us had our tickets.

"Alright girls, lets go!" She said, a little too cheery for us. Emma trotted her way to me, her chubby legs stopping every few steps. I finally had to pick her up, carrying her to her carseat.

We made a quick drive to the airport, watching as Brooklyn disappeared more and more down the road. I sighed, arriving at the airport.

The chilly New York air nipped at my nose, my arms occupied with my baby sister.

As we entered the airport, we all sighed. There was no doubt in my mind that we all are going to miss New York. Being born and raised in one place and having to move to another is disappointing. But for the sake of my mother, I keep that a secret to myself. She was happy, and I needed to support her in this decision.

We made our way to the Starbucks in the corner, ordering a of our drinks and a cake pop for little Emma. We finished that quickly to make our way through security.

As we waited at the gate, I plugged in my headphones, listening to my music until the intercom announced that our flight was leaving.


The flight was long and torturous, only to land in a country that I knew slim to nothing about. Everyone thought of Australia to be filled with desert looking places and kangaroos, like in the movie I grew up watching too many times, 'Kangaroo Jack'. But in reality, it was actually quite nice.

I looked out the windows of the airport, smiling softly when I finally found my soon to be stepfather. My mother did an almost squeal, jogging to meet him and giving him a soft kiss. I giggled as Emma covered her eyes, her blonde hair strewn and messy.

"Hey guys, glad you could make it, finally" John said, his Australian accent different from our American ones. I felt foreign nonetheless.

"It's very nice here" I said, my gaze fixed on the windows. I've especially seen a few hot guys pass by me, which I could definitely get used to. Who knows? Maybe I'll never go back to New York.

"It is. Well, we outta, yeah? We can stop by a Macca's on the way" John smiled, helping my mother and me with the bags I out hands. I thanked him quietly, putting Emma down as she wriggled to get free. I still kept a tight grip on her hand, knowing that she would run the second she was free.

"Sorry, but what's a Macca's?" I asked, taken aback when the warm Sydney air finally hit me like a brick wall.

"Oh, I'm sorry! It's just McDonald's, but in Australia we say Macca's" he apologized, walking towards the car. I already felt my skin slightly burn from the sun, not really used to the heat. Perfect tan weather though, my pale skin needs some color. Badly.

"That's alright, I'll have to get used to this Australian accent kind of thing" I chuckled, putting Emma in the ready carseat. I buckled her in, making sure she was secure before jogging over to my side. John packed the car, my mom basically never leaving his side.

As the car drove past the airport, I couldn't help but stare out of the window. Everything was so pretty. The sky was a perfect crystal blue, only a few puffy clouds dotting the sky. I might as well get used to this, I'll be staying here well over 2 years.

Soon we arrived to the house, John bringing the luggage in with him. I took my plain dark purple one, dragging it behind me to the room John had told me was mine.

As I opened the door, I felt a smile creep to my face. On my new bed was a brand new pair of drumsticks. How did he know I played the drums?

I dropped my suitcase and jogged to the drumsticks, seeing a small note. I read it, smiling wider.

'Thanks for being such a good sport about everything. Well appreciated.

- John x'

"Your mum told me you play" I heard a voice behind me say, jumping and dropping the sticks under me.

"Didn't mean to scare ya there!" John laughed as I turned around, blushing slightly.

"It was my fault, I'm so clumsy" I admitted, "but wow. Thank you" I said.

"The drum set is downstairs, have a look later" he smiled, nodding before leaving to go downstairs.

I laid back on my bed, stretching out my arms. I could definitely get used to this. You hear horror stories about stepfather a abusing and neglecting their stepdaughters, but this wasn't the case. John was nice, and I was beyond happy that my mother found somebody. Somebody like him.


Sorry this was such a bore! It was a filler, more for character development so the story won't be confusing.

Thanks so much for reading! Much love xx

Heartbreak Girl (Ashton Irwin)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant