Chapter 1

978 23 7

Stephanie's POV

Ahhhh... this week marks the time that all my hard work is finally paying off. Literally. I've been saving some money here and there for a couple years now, in order to purchase the highest experience ticket possible for the New Kids on the Block cruise. It's been difficult to save large amounts of money, while also trying to pay off student loans and keep up on utility bills. I mean, I need Netflix each month to survive. Finally, I was able to save a fair amount of money that would cover all expenses for me to book myself a spot on the greatest cruise of a lifetime. Not only was I looking forward to a week of relaxing, but I also got the chance to meet my favorite boy band!

Sadly, I would be embarking on this cruise alone. Most of my friends were either busy, or didn't give two shits as to who the New Kids were. No one truly appreciates the love I have for these five guys from Boston. It's 2015, boy bands that dance in sync are no longer major trends as they were in the 1980s and 1990s. Also, most teenagers had no clue about five bad boys from the bean town, who sang about hangin' tough and loving blockheads forever. However, I had no shame loving these fine men. Hell, I'll shout from the rooftops that I love the New Kids on the Block. I was ready to party like it was 1989 on that hot damn ship!

    To fill you all up on the specifics and background information. My name is Stephanie Michelle Thomas and I'm a blockhead. (And this is where you all say "Hi, Stephanie") Anyway, I grew up in a small suburb outside of Columbus, Ohio. I've spent my teenage years, and very much into my newly found adulthood, loving the New Kids. I had a deep affection for Jordan Nathaniel Marcel Knight. However, I was stuck in the suburbs with no hope of getting any attention from those bad boys. I graduated a few years ago from the Ohio State University with a law degree and a minor in marketing. More specifically, I specialize in Corporate Law at the largest law firm in central Ohio. This upcoming vacation has been in the works for a few years. I haven't been able to book the cruise in time the last year and had to wait to try again for this year. Luckily, I was prepared for a long night in order to secure my cabin on this year's cruise. In the next few days, I'll be preparing to fly to New York to spend some time before boarding the carnival cruise ship on voyage to my wildest dreams. There's absolutely no doubt I'll fully take advantage of this cruise by spending my nights partying with the men of my teenage dreams.

    Today happened to only be Sunday. Currently, I was packing for my 9 am flight to New York that leaves on Tuesday. I wanted to head up a few days early to assure that i would have plenty of rest for the cruise. On top of that, the New Kids were having a small charity concert at the House of Blues that I was able to snag tickets to. Not just any tickets, VIP meet and greet tickets. By doing this, I hoped to get my urge to obsessively try to meet them on the cruise out of the way. I looked at it this way, if I meet them before the cruise I would be able to actually focus on enjoying myself and taking in the sights. I wouldn't have to camp out on the lido deck in hopes of getting just a glimpse of the guys from far away. Plus, I wasn't crazy enough to literally stalk the boys around the cruise ship.

In hopes of actually wrapping up my packing, I'm going to begin to wrap this up. I could find myself at this moment, and probably every moment leading up to the cruise, feeling the excitement of the cruise starting to set it. I know when I lay down for bed tonight that I will be dreaming of those five bad boys from the bean town land.

Author's Note:

Thank you to all who have bothered to read this! I hope you enjoyed the introduction to this story. I know... I know... there wasn't a whole lot of action. It may take a few chapters to heat up. Stick with me! Anyway, I included a picture of Stephanie Thomas, portrayed by the lovely Lucy Hale. Feel free to leave comments and enjoy! Til we meet again...which is hopefully later today.

My Knight in White Board Shorts - A Jordan Knight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now