Chapter 2

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Jordan's POV

    I woke early to the smell of breakfast wafting in from the kitchen and to the hustle and bustle of New York outside. Even on a Monday, the city never seemed to slow down. I guess that's why it's the city that never sleeps, which I wished I could be getting more of.

2015 has not been my greatest year. Earlier this year, my wife, Evelyn, and I decided to end our relationship and get a divorce. It was officially over after I tried so many years to fix it. In the past years or so, we had been living on opposite sides of the country, with her in our Los Angeles house and I in the cozy Boston home. The separation had been largely foreshadowed for quite some time, in fact we debated the idea before having our second son. The divorce was a mutual decision, since we both knew that there was no hope left there and that the damage had been done. Also, it was tearing our sons apart with our constant fighting, even though we tried so hard to hide it.

Our relationship had never been strong, there was no clear foundation. I honestly don't know if I truly loved her. Evelyn and I met at a very dark time in my life. I was very insecure about myself, my music, and where my life was headed. Everyone around me seemed to have their shit together, while I could barely pull myself out of bed in the morning, Hell, at that time I had heard through the grapevine that Joe was getting married. He seemed like the last one of us to be married and had got it all together. On top of that, he didn't feel I was stable enough to attend the wedding. Speaking of my stability, I was struggling with alcoholism and in stepped Evelyn. Most of those nights were spent at any place that would serve me alcohol until I didn't know my own name. Thankfully, one of those dark nights Evelyn pulled me out of that funk. At that time, it seemed that she was my light at the end of the tunnel, a long, long tunnel. She snapped me back to reality, helped me with my solo album, and brighten my life. Evelyn helped me forget about the pain that the band's break up left behind, while being able to help push my focus on bettering myself.

About a year into our relationship, Evelyn became pregnant with Dante. Everything seemed as if it was all falling into place. I was getting the family I always dreamed of and finding my long lost love of music. Thus, Evelyn and I moved in together and prepared for our life ahead, together. Later on during the press for my second solo album, I moved into the house of the "Surreal Life' in order to promote the release. The reality show was so far out of my comfort zone and such a out of control publicity stunt. However, it didn't stop Evelyn from bitching about it. I still didn't quite feel secure about myself and really hated being on show for the world to see, even if it was all scripted.I no longer had the appearance of a heartthrob, but instead I was a chubby 33 year old has-been surrounded by trainwrecks.  It didn't help that I was far from home and in a high stress situation without my light. The show depicted me as a loner, who wanted nothing to do with my housemates and a dog that flirted with all the ladies. On the contrary, I became close friends with Dave and Ryan. When the cameras weren't rolling, Ryan dropped the attitude and we actually got to know each other, I confided in her about the problems Evelyn seemed to have about me being on this reality show, in return Ryan helped me forget about my problems. There may have been a few nights when I slipped up and things happened, but I was still struggling with alcoholism and never felt more alone. Evelyn learned of my slip ups and provided me with an ultimatum; I married her and things went back to normal, or we called it quits and I lost all contact with my son. I wasn't willing to give up the only family I had known during that tough time, or was I willing to give up the girl I believed I loved.

Thus, Evelyn and I were married in a small ceremony in Boston solidifying our love. Everything finally seemed like a fairy tale, I had kicked the drinking, was doing really well with my music, and had even reconciled with Donnie and Jonathan.

I couldn't even begin to name what caused the beginning of our problems, whether it was that we were past the 'honeymoon' phase, or if it was brought up by the New Kids on the Block reunion. The first major blow to the foundation was my unwillingness to wear a ring, while doing publicity and being on stage. Normally, I didn't wear one anyway. I never liked wearing rings, but Evelyn felt that I had to prove that I was taken. I felt as if there was no trust going into this reunion. On top of that, we had just had our second son, and she felt I was leaving her all alone with no mark claiming I was taken. She never understood that I had a family 'side' of my personality and a work 'side' of my personality. When the tours were over, I was family Jordan. Everything revolved around my family. When I was on tour and at work, I belonged to the fans. I gave them every piece of me. This argument marked our first separation. Of course, that year was mostly spent on the road with the New Kids on the Block, so there was no reason other than that to tell to our sons.

The touring each year created more problems. Evelyn believed that the reunion tour was going to be a one time thing, but as you can see that changed. All I heard each time I went on tour was that I was missing out on our family's future, or that I never paid attention to her anymore. Once one tour was over, we would return to our lives for a little while. Only it didn't go as planned. We saw that the fans wanted more. Thus, we started making more music, going on tours, and hosting exclusive events. Through all the happiness that this was creating for me and the rest of the band, Evelyn failed to see or recognize the achievements we were receiving like the other significant others.  She didn't seem to care how I felt anymore. And Frankly, looking back on these events leads me to believe that the divorce was for the best. Neither of us wanted to be around the other, and creating a hostile environment for our kids. Thus, bringing me up to date with current events. Evelyn and I are now officially divorced as of last month, and I'm allowing her to sort out the move while I stay at Jonathan's apartment.

Jonathan and I have never been so close and surrounded by each other all the time since we were teenagers. It's been eye-opening staying with Jon all this time. I was warmly welcomed by Jonathan and his fiancee Harley. They seemed to be so in love, a love I thought I had. I could see it was different though. Jonathan and Harley looked at each other in ways Evelyn and I did not. However, there was absolutely no privacy in this apartment. They kept assuring me there was no problem with me being there, but I could see I was holding them back. I knew that my stay would shortly be coming to an end. I wanted to return home to my home in Boston once the cruise was over. and with the cruise this week I had to prepare for what was to come after. I had yet to warn Evelyn that I would be there in Boston towards the middle of next week to move back in permanently. 

Back on the subject at hand, I was glad that the week would be the last of my morning being interrupted by loud traffic outside, endless foot traffic, and the filth of the city below. I really didn't enjoy staying in the city that never sleeps, in fact I've never enjoyed staying in larger cities. Thankfully, Wednesday marked the kickoff to our cruise with the House of Blues concert. All the profits of our concert would be going towards the Remember Betty Foundation that Danny had created in honor of his mother. I knew being around the fans would cheer me up, and I couldn't wait to perform at the concert. Sadly, it was only Monday and i have to survive the final days living with my brother. A task I knew wouldn't be that easy.

To sum everything up. 2015 just wasn't my year. I ended a relationship I had been in for 17 years, even though it seemed as if it was long over years ago. As a great man once said, things had to get really tough before they became really good. Maybe this cruise could be enlightening and help me move on from my worries. Not that any fan knew about the divorce or would anytime soon, but I could still find guidance in their presence. Who knows, maybe there's one new light at the end of this dark tunnel.

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