Chapter 10

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Jordan's POV

Last night was the most fun I've had in a long time. Nick knew how to party. It was always crazy when ever I was around him. He seemed to have girls flock to him and the same girls had no problem flocking to me too. I knew my limitations though. I wasn't going to sleep with some random groupie to have rumors flying all over. I would eventually tell everyone about the divorce, but it was nice when people didn't know. I was able to sift through the people who like the 'real' me that respected my marriage, and the one's who just wanted to say they slept with a celebrity. It felt good to get out and party. I haven't really partied since before I met Evelyn. The only difference last night was that I was aware of my limits. I knew now when to stop drinking and I wasn't about to fall back down that dark rabbit hole of constantly partying. I just needed to have one night to unwind. Dancing with those girls last night was fun, but only one was on my mind. That girl from the hotel lobby has invaded every one of my thoughts. There was just something about her that fascinated me. I had no idea why. I didn't even know her name, but she seemed special.

Luckily, I didn't drink a lot last night, so there wasn't a hangover for me. I'm glad I didn't have to walk into sound-check with a migraine. I wanted to enjoy our time on stage. We haven't played a show since May, I needed this. Since the reunion, I feel lost without getting up on stage. 

Today felt like it was going to be a great day. There seemed to be hardly any problems on stage, we were able to run through everything rather quickly. Normally, we had so many problems going into preparations for a show, but the stars seemed to be aligned.

Since sound-check went by quickly, we had time to kill. Thus, we sat around on the stage enjoying each other's company. I wasn't looking forward to leaving since I had to meet Evelyn at the hotel. I invited them into town to see the concert before she moved them out to Los Angeles. Donnie's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Jordan, what ever happened with that chick? Did you see her again?" He asked.

"Yeah, funny story there. Her hotel room is right by mine. Somehow she ended up on our floor, miraculously next door to me. Anyway, I went to talk to her last night as she showed up to her room when I was leaving for Nick's concert. As I handed her a bag she dropped, she snatched it out of my hands and slammed the door in my face." I said laughing. All of the other guys starting laughing as well. We had seen our fair share of fan encounters over the years, especially Joey. Poor Joe, he'll never live down the school girls hiding in his bathroom.

"Damn, I bet you weren't use to that. If I went to help a girl by her hotel room, she would drag me inside and never let me leave. Not that I would mind all that much. " Donnie said in the midst of his laughing fit. Don't think he didn't send a wink at the comment on girls dragging him in. Yes, he was with Jenny, but it wouldn't be the first time he had slipped when she was away. Still, she always forgave him since there isn't much that she hadn't done.

"Yeah, it was definitely surprising. I'll get over it though once I see her again. I really want to know why she didn't at least attempt a conversation with me. I mean, I know she was in shock, but she never even told me her name. I know she'll be on the cruise, so if I don't see her again before I'll try to talk with her then." I said with a shrug. I wasn't all that worried at trying to race around New York to find her. I know she will be on the cruise since I saw her ticket, so I'll find her in the middle of the ocean where she can't run away. At least then she'll talk to me.

"Well, good luck with that. I doubt 2,000 other Jordan hungry fans will let you find that girl. They'll be more worried on your attention on them instead of some other girl." Donnie said. It was long after his comment that we all called it an afternoon. The other guys had family to meet before the show and to prepare for the meet and greet later. I was headed to meet my ex-wife for lunch.

My Knight in White Board Shorts - A Jordan Knight FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang