Chapter 23

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Stephanie's POV

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Stephanie's POV

Lauren proceeded to try and get information from me as we left her friends that she knew from previous cruises.

"What happened earlier? I didn't want to ask in front of the girls, but I feel like we're close enough to talk about it now." Lauren said as we walked together to our cabins.

"Umm, where to start. Well, Jordan and I had lunch. Let me just say, it was beautiful. He had one of the crew member set up a romantic lunch on one of the private docks on the second level. You could see the islands of Bermuda and it was amazing. From there, we went to the beer pong tournament, where we ran into Joey. The interaction seemed to spark something different in Jordan. He was all standoffish and was quick to pull us away from the lido deck. What happens next is what has me upset. I guess we kind of got caught in the moment and we kissed." I explained to her.

"Wait, he kissed you! Why are you upset? I thought that this is what you wanted?" Lauren questioned me. I could see where she was coming from. I mean, this is what I wanted it. Just not at the moral cost I wanted to pay.

"Of course, it's what I dreamed of. It's just I don't want to be the 'other' woman. I've been in that situation and it sucks, especially between Jordan and Evelyn. Gosh, they have kids Lauren! I could have ruined a family!" I exclaimed. I vowed never to be the type of woman so willing to steal a man from another innocent woman. I had no right to encourage these interactions with Jordan, yet I just can't stay away.

"Hey, did you ever stop to think about what I said earlier in the week? Remember what we saw at the concert. Evelyn and Jordan's interactions looked forced and he couldn't keep his eyes off of you right in front of her. I really don't think that they're still in a relationship. Maybe you should let him explain. I mean, he doesn't seem like the type of man to go around cheating on his wife." Lauren reasoned with me. I could really see where she was coming from. I had seen the way Jordan and Evelyn act like they can barely stand each other, but there were times I saw how filled with love they were. I mean, he did return that lustful kiss before going on stage at the concert.

"I don't know. Plus, he can't talk now anyway. He has to get ready for the concert in an hour. Maybe I'll talk to him later. I just can't allow myself to get any closer, as of right now, he is married in my standards. I'm not going to overstep anymore boundaries that I haven't already." I said as we rounded the hallway to our cabin doors. From where I was walking, I could see that there was a letter stuck underneath my door.

"Well, it looks like Jordan is one step ahead of you." Lauren said as she opened her door. "Stephanie, just make sure you give him a chance to explain all his actions from this week. I truly believe that his answer will surprise you. I'll meet you out here in a half hour."

I nodded my head to what she said. I wanted to give Jordan a chance to explain himself, but I just don't know if I can handle the truth. If he's still married, it makes me a homewrecker and a complete bitch for attempting anything with a married man. If he's divorced, well I don't know where that leaves us. I bent down and grabbed the note stuffed under my door. On the front, I could see my name scribbled across in Jordan's handwriting. I opened the envelope to be greeted with a sorry card. Inside, Jordan had wrote me the following note;

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