Chapter 15

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Stephanie's POV

Lauren and I grabbed all the souvenirs from the concert booths that our hearts desired. I definitely wanted to have multiple items to help me remember how great a trip it has been so far in the future. I've had once in a lifetime encounters with my dream crush, I've made a great friend, and I was finally able to let go. Being a lawyer can get stressful, so all the relaxation you get is hardly ever forgotten. 

Since it was such a low key event, the tickets were set a different kind of way. Everyone bought a certain price range ticket. For example, if you got VIP passes to meet the guys then you were guaranteed spots in the first two rows. Thankfully for Lauren, one of her friends she spends time with at these event saved us two spots right in the center of the stage. I had never sat front row for any event, so this also would be a newer experience for me. Plus, I would be super close to Jordan since he spends most of his time in the front center stage areas.

Lauren and I made our way to our seats and relaxed. We still had around an half hour until the opening act took the stage. Neither Lauren or I were very excited for the act that was picked, but we were just happy we were at a New Kid concert. Knowing that the concert was the last thing we would be doing till the cruise was exciting, but also stressful. We had to leave the concert immediately and return to our hotel rooms. There, we would have to pack up all of our things due to the fact we had to leave super early the next morning for the docks. Lauren explained to me how chaotic it is to try and get to the docks, so we planned on leaving a few hours earlier than most. Who cares if we had to wait a while at the docks, the closer we are to the boat the better spots we get at the sailing away party. The only downside to tonight was that we didn't necessarily get to go to the 'after party'. I have after party in quotations as it isn't an official sanctioned event from the New Kids. There has been hearsay that Donnie was having a little hangout at the club near my hotel, but only a few women were going to be able to get in. You had to be invited to the event, I guess much like the VIP parties on the boat. Even if I did get invited, I would probably have to turn it down. I had stuff to do and I didn't want anything preventing me from smooth sailing to the cruise ship. Plus, the party was just a rumor. I doubt the guys really wanted to stay out late when they had to be on the docks early the next morning. They're forty year-olds now, they knew their limits and staying out all night probably wasn't the smartest idea. They probably wanted to get all the sleep they could before they didn't get any sleep for four days straight. Anyway, there would be no way I would regret not going to that after party, even if it meant losing a chance to hang out with Jordan. I'm sure I'll have at least one chance to on the cruise.


The opening act proved to not be too bad. Lauren and I spent most of the time dancing along with all their songs and overall having a blast. Their set wasn't as long as normal due to last minute decisions, but that meant the sooner it would be until the New Kids. Since there wasn't any stage changes or added props, the guys only had around fifteen minutes before they were getting called to come out to the stage. I couldn't stop my legs from bouncing in my seat. I was getting more excited by the minute and couldn't wait to let the fan girl out with all my blockhead sisters. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Barrett McIntyre and Evelyn Knight make their way over to the backstage area where they would be able to see the stage. I knew the guys would soon be coming out if the wives were making their way to places to see. As the opening video began to play, I watched as the guys made their run to the places under the stage. Along with this, I saw Jordan kiss his wife. All my thoughts that there was any hope with him flew out the window with his display of affection for her. Maybe the lunch I saw earlier hadn't been as tense as it seemed, and they were getting along perfectly in their relationship.

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