Chapter 11

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Stephanie's POV

Watching the interactions between Jordan and Evelyn today was interesting. From my angle, It appeared that the two barely spoke near the end. The whole restaurant saw Jordan's frustration during their conversation, but no one made any move to find out what they were talking about. I had left before they cleared out of the restaurant, so I didn't get to see the very end to a rather awkward lunch date.

I still had a couple of hours before Lauren and I had decided to meet. The meet and greet passes we bought included a VIP pre-concert party that served drinks. Thus, we didn't plan on getting anything before hand. Since my hotel was fairly close to the venue, in fact it was in walking distance, Lauren decided to meet me here in the lobby before heading down to the venue. There was no need to arrive early since we were guaranteed spots. I didn't care if I saw them first or last, as long as I was able to see them. I mean, I'm not going to count any encounter I've had with Jordan Knight as meeting a New Kid. I didn't even recognize him the first time, I was embarrassed out of my mind the second time, and I don't even know what to call our encounter in the hotel restaurant. All of them will just be known as accidental encounters. I never truly met my idol, I just encountered him passing by. Today at the meet and greet, I will truly meet him and his four brothers. That will count as my first 'real' interaction with any of the New Kids. I was excited to meet all the guys. Sure, Jordan K may be my favorite, but I also have a soft spot for Joey McIntyre. Those baby blues put everyone out of business. I will always be a Jordan girl, but a few occasions I happened to slip onto the Joey side. Of course, Joey was cute and funny during the olden days, but he wasn't quite the same now. Today, he reeked of sex appeal and seduction, but wasn't truly the man so many blockheads adored. Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way, but Jordan K was still the same. He was adorable, at times sexy, and still the dork he was when the New Kids first started. For those reasons, I would always at heart be a Jordan girl.

 Although, tonight would be my first time meeting the band, it won't be the first concert I've attended. I've been to three concerts before tonight. I saw them when I was about 15 in their first run, then when they reunited during 2008, and finally last summer on the Main Event tour. Every time I see them,  they seem to get better and better. They are very much so like a fine wine, as they age spectacularly well over time. However, this wouldn't be the first time Lauren has met the New Kids. She has seen them multiple times these past few years. Of course, she wasn't quite a fan back when the boys first started, but found a calling towards them during the reunion. Lauren has attended multiple meet and greet events along with multiple cruises. It amazed me how she afforded it, but she assured me that her lovely husband was willing to pay as long as she was happy. I mean, she told me she even had a free pass with Joey. Sucks for her, I hear Joey Mac has cleaned up his act and remains extremely faithful to his wife. Lucky for me, I was a single woman with no 'free pass' holding me back. The only thing in my way was a two-legged monster by the name of Evelyn.

Tonight wasn't about trying to hook up with a New Kid. I was out to have some fun and forget the world around me. For a few hours, I would be able to remember how it felt to be a teenage girl who knew she had the world ahead of her. Where the girl's only problems was that her crush was seen flirting with another girl. This young woman didn't surround herself with the 'real' world problems and worry of what was coming the next day. That young woman was able to live with nothing holding her back. At these concerts, I was able to be transported back to that moment in time, and I almost always never wanted to leave.

With the pre-concert party beginning at five, Lauren met me at the hotel doors around 4:30. While hanging around the pool earlier, I had texted her that the New Kids happened to be staying at the very hotel I was currently residing in. She, of course, had to see for herself and hoped the boys could still happen to be around. The guys weren't expected to show for the pre-show cocktails, but rather had a call time to see fans around 6:30. Thus, the guys probably didn't leave for the venue until around 5:30. With a half an hour to spare, Lauren hoped she may be able to wait in the lobby to see if by chance a New Kid happens to wander around the hotel lobby. I laughed at her actions, but proceeded to take a seat in the waiting area with my eyes trained on the elevator doors. Due to my encounter with Jordan a few days earlier, I knew that he often traveled with very limited security and normally a light disguise. If the others were anything like him, there wouldn't be a warning as to when they were moving. A true fan would have to keep a very keen eye to what each guy coming out of the elevator was wearing. After waiting fifteen minutes with no action, I tried to reason with Lauren to head out.

"Come on Lauren! The guys are probably already at the venue, or they're busy doing last minute activities in the city with their families. You'll see them later tonight. We can a wait a few hours." I said at an attempt to persuade her to leave the hotel lobby. I had dressed nicely for this occasion and I didn't want to waste my outfit away sitting in an hotel lobby. I was wearing a short black dress that was see-through at the top and stopped just a little above my knee. Everyone always said it was the nicest dress I own, and that it had the power to blow people away. I was certainly hoping it blew Jordan away. The ones that steal their attention often are the ones they end up remembering and treating as if the women were their cover girls. I definitely wanted to be Jordan's cover girl by the end of the night, wife or not he was going to notice me.

"Shhh, Stephanie! I think one of them may be heading out of the elevator now." Lauren said as we saw Robo appear in the lobby. From here, we could see that he kept glancing at the elevator as if one of the guys were about to appear. There was hardly anyone in the lobby, and we seemed like the only people interested in the security guard's actions. If a New Kid happened to come out in the next five minutes, we would surely be the only ones to notice.

"Fine! We wait five more minutes, if no one appears we are leaving. I don't want to be super late for the pre-show cocktails. I'd like to have one or two to calm down before the show." I said taking my previous seat in the lobby. We waited the five minutes and sure enough, out walks the one and only Donnie Wahlberg.

"Oh my gosh. Come on, let's go see if we can get a picture." Lauren said as she took off towards Donnie in a fast paced walk. I followed after her much slower and only caught up to them when she had already been given approval to take a photo with Donnie.

"Hello ladies. You both look dressed to the nines tonight. Are you planning on attending our concert?" Donnie asked as we alternated taking pictures with him.

"Absolutely! We can't wait to see the show you guys have planned for us tonight." I said. For some reason, I had no problem speaking with Donnie, but Jordan seemed to be another issue.

"That's great. Well, I hope you enjoy the show. Have a nice night ladies, I must be going." Donnie said giving both of us one last hug before leaving. Lauren may have been a Joey girl, but you wouldn't have known the difference. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw Donnie.

" That was a great way to kick off the night! I mean, we were just hugged by Donnie Wahlberg." Lauren said freaking out a tiny bit.

"Lauren, you've met them plenty of times before. Shouldn't you be use to this by now?" I asked with a laugh. I would have never guessed that she had met Donnie before watching her little freak out as we headed towards the venue.

"It doesn't matter. Every time I see them. it's like the first time meeting them all over. I always get so giddy and freak out. They just seem to draw that reaction out of me. I know, I know. I'm in my thirties, I should try and act like an adult. I just can't when I see their incredibly, sexy faces. I feel like I'm a fifteen year old all over again in their presence" Lauren gushed. Listening to her ramble had me noticing how similar we both were. It was like we were best friend soulmates, if those were even a thing. I could tell this would be a great friendship down the road.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on! Our men are waiting for us in that venue. Tonight, we'll be their cover girls." I said as we laughed and continued towards the concert venue.   

Author's note

As I promised, here is my update. Once again, I'm so sorry that it has taken me a long time to update the story. I got caught up in some work and a really good book. I'm a huge JFK fan and I happened to stumble across the book 11/22/63 by Stephen King. Seriously, it is such an amazing novel. Plus, there's a miniseries coming out next month based on the book on Hulu. Anyway, I'll try and post another chapter this weekend. Thanks for reading and have an amazing weekend!

P.S. I dedicated this chapter to dalainarenee for recommending me for the Magnificent Makeover Contest #2.  First, I'm just thankful that you're reading, but to recommend me for the contest is so nice of you. This really makes me want to push this story further and make it the best it can be for all of this story's  readers. Thanks again!!

My Knight in White Board Shorts - A Jordan Knight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now