Chapter 5

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Stephanie's POV

"Flight 809 to New York is boarding,"

I heard my flight announced over the airport's loudspeaker from my spot in the waiting area. I grabbed my carry on and proceeded to walk to the corresponding gate to board. I walked into the hall that lead to the plane anxiously. I always get nervous when boarding a plane. The beginning of a flight always scared me, but once I was safely in the air the feelings passed. Stepping up to my seat, I placed my bag in the overhead compartment and sat down next to the window.

Minutes later, a girl took the seat next to me. She flashed me a smile as she fastened her seat belt. With a smile I say, " Hi, I'm Stephanie,"

"Oh,hey. I'm Lauren. What brings you on this early morning flight to New York?" she asked as she turned to face me in her seat. I felt some small talk would be the best way to ease my take off anxiety.

"Well, I'm going on a cruise this weekend and I wanted to arrive in the city a few days early. I've never been able to take in all the sights that New York has to offer." I said.

"Oh, you mentioned a cruise. Does that cruise happen to be the one surrounding the New Kids on the Block? I only ask because I'm going on that cruise." Lauren said.

"Yeah, that's the one. Wow! What a small world. Not only are we on the same flight to New York for the same reason, but we both had the idea to come earlier than expected." I couldn't help but laugh at the coincidences of the situation.

"I felt the need to actually be prepared this year. See, this is my fourth cruise and you would think that I had learned how chaotic it can be. Last year, I was a complete train wreck. I flew out early in the day on the boarding day and got to the cruise 20 minutes until the ship left the docks. I had minutes to spare before I was at the lido deck for the kickoff to the sail away party. I'm not taking any chances this year. It seems that each year on the cruise gets crazier and crazier." She said as if she was also trying to assure herself that she wouldn't have any trouble this year. It amazed me at the women who were able to go on back to back cruises. I barely can afford to go on one. Yeah, I make a lot of money at my job, but I have responsibilities in my life and bills to pay. Also, it's almost impossible to get tickets due to the large demand. They sell out in 48 hours and the wait list never moves. I mean, who in their right mind would give up NKOTB Cruise tickets.

"So, you've been on the cruise multiple times before. How is it? I mean, this is my first one. I've read a little about it. I'm a cruise virgin though, I need all the advice I can get." I said with a laugh.

Lauren laughs and adds, " Yeah, it's a blast. I can only describe it as an out of body experience. There is so much love aboard that ship and you can definitely feel it. The best thing you can do is to relax and take it all in. Definitely don't freak out around the guys. I've seen it happen a few times and it's never turned out well. Either the guys move on to different groups or completely leave the area. Sometimes, they'll even go back to their cabin the remainder of the afternoon. The least approachable, well I shouldn't really describe it like that, but the one who will tell you how it is seems to always be Joey. If he doesn't like your behavior or want to interact, he'll let you know. He's not afraid to disappoint. Don't get me wrong, I love Joey and have nothing against him. I've just seen how he gets if he gets agitated." Lauren definitely seems to know a lot about these cruises. She may be the person I should befriend for this cruise.

"I believe you. I heard some of the stories. Wait, do you have anyone coming with you, or are you going alone?" I ask.

"I'm going alone. My friends weren't able to make it this year, but don't feel bad. It isn't my first cruise flying solo. I've always had the best times when I was alone though. Are you going alone?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah. My friends don't share the same passion I have for the New Kids. I'm a little nervous since I haven't gone on the cruise before."

"Well, we could always hang out together. With your willingness to have fun and my experience, we would make one hell of a team. I really wouldn't mind hanging out with you. Here, let's exchange information to assure we can find each other on the boat." Lauren said. With that all being decided, we exchanged contact information and settled in for the flight.

As the plane began to take off, I found myself easing my nerves with thoughts of the week ahead of me. Once this plane lands, I'll finally be one step closer to the band, a half a day closer to the cruise, and one friend made if any trouble arises. This trip was beginning to finally have meaning and a start to a memory I wouldn't soon forget.   

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