Chapter 13

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Stephanie's POV

The VIP cocktail party turned out to be a blast. We arrived right when things were starting to pick up and come alive. There wasn't a whole lot of people there, but there was a decent enough crowd for how small the concert venue was. Drinks were flowing freely and there was plenty of space to chill out. People were either at tables or couches talking, while some people were dancing to New Kids on the dance floor since this was a party for the New Kids. Lauren and I quickly grabbed drinks and took a seat towards the back area where we wouldn't be quite that bothered. We spent most of the time conversing and planning a little for what we hoped the cruise would be like this year. Since we were near the back, we quickly saw that Donnie was quietly making his rounds to lucky groups of fans before he had to head over to prepare for the meet and greets. It wasn't long before he saw us and made his way over.

"Well, long time no see! Hello again ladies." He said as he slid into our booth. Donnie wasted no time making himself comfortable and ordering a quick beer to calm pre-show jitters.

"Hi again. I thought you had to leave for the venue?" Lauren asked as she leaned a little closer in his direction. I couldn't tell if this was her trying to make it easier for him to hear her, or if she was trying to make a few moves on Donnie. I mean, we've all heard the rumors. Apparently Donnie isn't as loyal as we all hoped he was. maybe the rumors were true. I say this because I saw him respond by leaning even closer in towards her.

"Yeah, I need to leave for there around 5:45, but I still have a good twenty minutes to hang out with you lovely ladies. Plus, Jordan will be even later than me, so I have plenty of time. Relax and enjoy the experience. Not everyone gets to hang out with me." Donnie said to us laughing as he took sips of his beer.

"Alright, whatever you say Wahlberg. I guess you are technically the boss." I said back to him as I sat stirring my drink around. I wasn't one to drink a lot, so I mostly got my drinks and just casually stirred them around to pass the time.

"Exactly! So, tell me about yourself ladies." Donnie said giving us his undivided attention. I guess we were the lucky ladies to grab up all of his attention. Wait, let me correct myself. I guess Lauren was lucky enough to grab all of his attention. It's not like anyone could tell though. He made his way around the area pretty sneaky and the only girls that saw him were the ones he talked to. I listened as Lauren told him all about herself. He seemed to eat it all up. When Lauren finished practically telling her whole life story, they both turned to me.

"What about you-uh- what's your name again? I promise I'm not trying to be an asshole. It just takes me a while to learn names." Donnie said apologetically.

"Oh, that's alright. I'm Stephanie Thomas. I've liked you guys since I was sixteen. Umm, I really don't know what else to say." I said shyly. I wasn't one to walk around telling everyone everything about myself.

"Well, you could tell me where you're from, what you do, if your a Donnie girl, if you're single, or something like that. I really like to get to know my blockhead girls." Donnie added with a wink.

"Ok, I guess. Well, I'm from a small suburb in central Ohio. I went to Ohio State University for a major in Corporate Law and a minor in journalism. From there, I went to OSU's graduate school and got my JD in Corporate Law. Oh, also I graduated top of my class. I'm pretty proud of that. I started a law firm business with a few of my other college buddies and it's number one in central Ohio. We deal with multiple specialties since all of us have a different law degree. I'm currently single after ending a four year long relationship. Umm, what else did you ask? Oh, yeah about who my favorite New Kid is. Sorry to break it to you, but I actually really like Jordan. " I rambled to him.

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