Chapter 17

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Stephanie's POV

**** Ring, Ring Ring****

I groan as I roll over to answer the hotel phone. Gosh, I can't believe it's time for my wake up call already.

"Hello," I answer all groggily.

"Hello, Miss. Thomas. It's the hotel lobby giving you the wake up call you've requested. The time on our clock is a little past 5 am. Good morning and we hope you have a great day!" The hotel lobby receptionist enthusiastically says to me through the phone.

"Thanks." I say as I hang up the phone and roll over. I didn't need to be up at five, I just set the wake up call as a precaution. I had my phone alarm set at six, which is when I need to be up. I figured it would be easier to wake up a little early, and then sleep in a little until my phone alarm.


I've been awake for right around twenty minutes now, so it's around six thirty. Lauren was set to be here soon before we headed off to the Carnival Cruise Ship docks. Hopefully, the docks will be fairly vacant since we'll be there four hours in advance. I had read on twitter that there was already a short line in the docks waiting that had started the night before after the concert. I had to applaud the girls who went that far, even I believe that four hours in advance is a little too much. No matter my opinion, I chose to trust Lauren since she's been through this multiple times before. I'm just a cruise virgin, so what could I possibly know?

We had already made a call with a taxi company that was set to meet us outside at 6:45, and as I told Lauren I was leaving without her if she wasn't here yet. I had already checked out of my hotel room and was currently waiting in the lobby with all my bags. Multiple bellhops had already approached me asking if I needed help to my room, with each time I laughed and told them I was actually leaving. To say they were shocked at a girl leaving at six in the morning was mild to say the least. Right around 6:44, Lauren came bursting into the hotel lobby telling me that she had just arrived and that the taxi had also pulled up. She was especially bubbly for it being early in the morning, but I guess the New Kids could have that effect on people. Lauren helped me grab my bags and we loaded into the lobby. The New York streets were mildly calm, as morning traffic hadn't started yet. Thus, what would have been a hour ride if around ten, turned out to be the normal thirty minute ride. The entire ride was spent with Lauren talking my ear off about what happened last night as I sat in the adjacent seat half asleep, not that she payed any mind to that. She couldn't believe all the measures Jordan had taken to get my attention. In fact, I couldn't quite comprehend them either. I couldn't understand why he had chosen me to pay all his attention too, especially with his wife several feet away from me. Shouldn't he care more about her than me? I guess that's not really any of my business, but it left much to ponder about as we waited in line this morning. Arriving to the docks, had been no problem at all. I begin to have a little doubt that Lauren had been exaggerating at the craziness of this cruise, but that was soon forgotten because there were a ton of people in line. When we made it to the loading docks and check in, we were at least 100 to 150 people back and we were here four hours early! These girls must have been here all night, and to think I thought people were lying. I, for one, was never going to underestimate the power of blockheads ever again.

Several hours were spent reading ship plans since Lauren and I were on opposite sides of the floor. Luckily since we bought solo deluxe rooms, we were placed on the same floor and in the same group. We were able to snag group A, which Lauren said always had the best experiences. People craved to have this group, because they ate earlier and it left tons of time to get to the deck parties. I was just glad to be on the cruise, I really could care less where I stood for the deck parties. The experience would be enough in my books. As we continued to talk, girls began to recognize me as the girl Jordan sang too.

"Hi, I thought I recognized you. You're the girl Jordan payed all the attention to last night. Do you happen to know him?" a random blond- haired girl asks.

"Umm, hi. No, I don't know him. I guess I was just lucky enough to snag his attention." I said shrugging.

"Ugh, why would he chose you? I was in the front too! I was five people away from you. Plus, I'm way hotter than you." The girl says as she walks away. I turn to look at Lauren, who was glaring daggers at the girl.

"Don't listen to her. She's just jealous that she didn't grab his attention. Plus, you're way hotter than you. Some guys prefer real women as compared to plastic." Lauren said as she turned back to me. I laughed at the girl's comments and thanked Lauren for her kind words. I was not new to people sending me hate, as I had been to high school before. The girl was probably just recently out of college, you can't blame her that her mind was still stuck in the pretend world that looks were more important that brains and personality. A few more girls came up to talk about Jordan last night, but they were much nicer. I'm just glad that most blockheads were grown up and respected the blockheads around them. The only comment that struck a cord came right around the time that the guys arrived.

As Jordan walked into the docks with screams all around, a girl leaned over to me and said, "Are you his mistress? I mean, he acted like his wife wasn't even there last night. Plus, we all know that these men aren't faithful at all. Trust me, I won't say anything to anyone if you are."

"Umm, no I'm not his mistress. I can't believe you would even have the nerve to suggest that. What kind of person goes around assuming that a nice man like Jordan would cheat on his wife? Plus, why would you encourage it to happen by suggesting such things? I can't believe the nerve." I said as I turned back around and picked up my bag since the line started moving forward. I glanced in the way of the guys making their way into the boat, and smiled at Jordan interacting with fans. I may not have liked the comments that some girls have said to me today, but I wouldn't have my experiences with Jordan any other way.   

Author's Note

Well, I'm finally getting to the cruise. I know it's taken forever, but I really wanted to create some sort of progression in their relationship before getting on the actual ship. I'm excited for the direction I have this story going, and I hope all of you guys feel the same. Thank you all for reading and enjoy future chapters!

My Knight in White Board Shorts - A Jordan Knight FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now