It's Ours [Tronnor]

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Trigger Warning: Homophobic behavior/language and violence due to such is mentioned in this one-shot. There is also a mention of smoking if anyone may be triggered. I would rather those who may be triggered by such skip this than read because your well being matters more.

If you'd like to listen to the song that greatly inspired this while you read, it's called Blood Stutter by Handsome Ghost. Enjoy :)

You would think after all this time he would have forgotten about their first summer together as a couple, the blissful three months where the world was their oyster rather than their worst enemy as it felt in his stomach within the first taste of freedom they gained.

It was the time the two had been dreading since they left that crummy high school campus signifying the start of their summer break, final grades had been put in which determined whether or not they would be walking across the same stage next June or if Connor would be watching alongside Troye's family as he received his diploma.

" worked your ass off for the past week to the point where you knew that English material like the back of your hand, you're going to get at least a B on that final I promise you."

"Why did I have to be fucking dyslexic Troye, I felt like I was looking at alphabet soup while finishing that last fourth of the exam."

"Do you want me to look at the results for you, take some of the anxiety off of it?"

"Just..don't hate me if I didn't pass okay?"

"I could never hate you love, you did the best you possibly could and in all honesty Mrs. Asher was quite an asshole to you, when you had a proper reason to need the extra attention she refused to give."

"Mrs. Asher was only trying to do her job Tro, even if it seemed kinda twisted in how she did it."

"Why you insist on defending her I don't know, but I'm proud of you regardless of the number of questions you got correct on her exam Con, that number doesn't define my love for you."

It was after that encouragement that a ding sounded from Connor's laptop, meaning his fate had been decided. As Troye clicked the symbol the notification offered, Connor's mind was buzzing with the possibilities. Had his hard work paid off or was he doomed to not be right alongside his boyfriend come graduation?

"I can't take the anticipation Troye..please tell me that wasn't some fluke by the school and we're not going to know for like the next week, the wait's killing me as it is."

"Aw Con.." Troye spoke softly.

"I didn't make it did I?" Connor remarked, taking notice of Troye's lack of excitement.

"Guess who gets to fucking graduate next year?" Troye exclaimed, his smile so fond that his dimples were showcased as if they were prized jewels.

"No way, I did it?!"

"You made an eighty four love, we get to tackle senior year together!"

"Oh my god.."

"I'm so proud of you." Troye spoke sincerely, giving Connor the sweetest of kisses on his cheek then tackling him into a hug on to his mattress that embodied pure joy.

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