Personal [Not A One-Shot]

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I'll probably not even end up posting this tbh..but on the small chance I do, hi.

How are you guys, are you doing well?

I don't know where I'm going to go with this exactly, it's more of a spur of the moment documentation of my thoughts and feelings recently. (I hope that's okay!)

I find writing therapeutic, it's a way that I'm able to let myself be heard in ways I could never truly voice to people. But something has just felt off for me recently. I feel like this little book is becoming scattered and overall is just a mess. I'm just not sure how to tackle that fact.

This is where you guys come in.

I've been thinking I might make another one-shot book, only with this one they would be more organized in structure. (Rather than simply writing whatever comes to mind as I have with this one, I would have a clear set plan for one-shots such as set playlists I'd listen to while writing to where my muse could be shared with all of you)

Is this something that you guys would like? I'm not completely sure if this is what I want to do, it's just an idea I've had weighing on my mind for a little while.

Maybe let me know what you think of this and any other thoughts you may have, I'd love to hear from you!

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