Simply Together [Phan]

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The bond between them was one their surrounding friends secretly envied. Everyone tried to label it so an understanding could be put together, whether that be as platonic or romantic connection. The thing was, not even Dan and Phil understood it to its full extent and they were the ones it involved in the first place. All that mattered was that they had one another, labels in their minds were just a confinement that shouldn't have to be around to appreciate something.

Instances where their relationship was cherished the most is what kept them grounded. Whether it be living through those moments or looking back upon them fondly, it was where the pressures circling them to clarify what they had simply dissolved into thin air.

Any emotion could be flowing through their veins. Dan wasn't always sentimental of times alongside Phil, but one in particular made his heart flutter.

His YouTube channel had been slacking in terms of uploads, Dan was well aware of that without having his fans (even though he hated referred to them as such, they were like long lost friends from his standpoint) slowly but surely pushing an increasing weight on his shoulders. Most of them were genuinely understanding, but every so often he'd see those small amount that fell on the opposite spectrum and it'd make him feel terrible.

You'd think it would be simple, to put out a piece of content to make his worries disappear. For Dan though, nothing could be that easy. He only put out videos that he was 100% proud of, not just a cheesy challenge for the sake of it. The creative juices that flowed through him when making content was frozen, nothing seemed classified as enough to please these high expectations he forced on himself.

As of right now, all Dan could bring himself to do is sulk in his own misery. Instead of trying another attempt to break his artistic slump, he was buried within his duvet staring blankly at the ceiling at three in the afternoon.

"What's the point anyway, no one is ever going to be pleased with me." he muttered under his breath.

In the matter of minutes Dan's mind became amused at making constellations out of the specks of the ceiling, it was a task that somehow brought a sense of ease upon his tired mind. Then a quiet knock took his focus elsewhere.

"I didn't mean to bother you..but I made some extra pasta and thought maybe you'd want some?" Phil spoke quietly as Dan  noticed a plate in his hand filled with the noodle convection.

"Sure..thanks Phil." Dan replied genuinely as he sat up and took the food from Phil's hands gently. "Whatcha been doing today?"

"Just editing our next gaming video, I hope that's okay I know you usually like to do them but.."

"Phil I appreciate you doing that, no need to worry."

"The reassurance is nice though, makes me feel better about not asking first."

"Anything I could help with?"

"I'm nearly done, but maybe you could make a thumbnail this time seeing as I took your usual part."

"I can manage that." Dan mused. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure..what about?" Phil answered hesitantly, unsure of the exact direction Dan was headed.

"How do you get out of your creative slumps?"

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