Slip [Phan]

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He eventually would always slip.

Once eyes filled to the brim with sweet pools of gold thanks to the rays of the sun, would seem like nothing more but stepping into crumbled chocolate pieces that served only as a mess to try and clean up.

His words strings that could be from a novel, insightful enough that he made you think how you could improve your viewpoint upon the world but also careful to give you a small idea of just how fragile the human existence was and how we should cherish it instead of wishing our lives away. On the flip side, he'd sometimes become so absorbed in how death was going to come for us all that nothing else seemed worthy of his attention.

Critiques were nothing but phrases thrown into a flame. Anyone could try to scorch his skin with terms of hatred, but he would turn their words around and get a message across, how there were reasons behind these kind of actions and we should try and help them grow as people. 'You're worthless, no one should waste their lives on some one as pitiful as you.' was an example of one that could send him over the edge. After such crashes, his mouth was put under lock and key to where he would only voice his thoughts if he could bring a statement across where his opinions wouldn't need to be heard at all.

Regardless of how far he would slip into these states of losing everything that shaped his being, the spark would always come back. Whether it be by the sunlit amber within his glistening brown eyes, the lack of fear towards speaking about a matter where passion oozed out by the courage laced in his tone, or a reflection upon how wondrous the two were to have the opportunity to cross paths in their time here on Earth, Phil Lester couldn't find anything better he'd wish to witness and play a part in during his own frail existence.

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