Episode 9

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"Last time, on Total Drama Nether, the mobs were Santa for a day. They had to place presents under a tree, without waking the child. In the end, Skelly and Spidey's argument got too loud, and their team lost. As a result, Spidey was eliminated. What will happen today? Find out right now, on Total Drama Nether!" Herobrine said.

* * *

Killer Chickens (7): Zombieswine, Silvester, Ian, Endie, Blaise, Mucus, Mag

Screaming Pigs (7): Agatha, Ron, Skelly, Sno, Zupay, Joe, Mite

* * *

Wither returned to his lair. He checked the security cameras.

"Good," Jerry said. "The Villager is still there."

"Shall we go back to possessing him?" Larry asked.

Jerry looked at the security cameras. "Hmm. No. I have a better idea. Just for this challenge, we possess the Slime."

"Why is that, boss?" Larry asked.

"He tried to rise up against me last season, but he is on the opposite team of the Villager. So, we must get him eliminated a different way," Jerry explained.

Wither went back to work.

* * *

Mucus was hopping through the Nether. He was going to Mag.

"I have to tell her to be careful. Zombieswine is gonna try to get her eliminated!" Mucus said to himself.

Mag came into view. She was facing the other way. "Hey Mag!" Mucus called.

Mag turned to face Mucus. She was always happy to see her boyfriend.

"Hey, fatty!" Mucus said.

"W-what?" Mag was confused. Mucus never made fun of her weight. Last season, he had stood up for her when Blaise had made fun of her weight.

"Yeah, fatso! Go make me a sandwich, I'm hungry! And try not to eat it!" Mucus exclaimed.

This can't be Mucus, Mag thought. But who else would it be? It's not like anyone could control him.

"Well, what're you waiting for?! Go!" Mucus shouted.

Mag hurried away. She was not going to make him a sandwich.

Mucus watched her go.

His eyes were red.

* * *

Ron walked up to Joe. Joe was swinging around a cobblestone pole.

"I'm a pretty pegasus!" Joe exclaimed.

"Hey, Joe," Ron said. Joe stopped swinging. "Listen, will you help me get Sno eliminated or not?"

"Why would I do that?" Joe asked.

"Because you said you would two challenges ago!" Ron answered.

"I did? What challenge was that?" Joe asked.

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