Episode 15

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"Last time, on Total Drama Nether, the mobs had to compete in a building challenge! Joe trapped Ron in the obstacle course, causing his team to lose. Well, they would've lost anyway. The winning team built a statue of me! It was amazing. Anyway, Ron would've gone home, but he had found the only immunity token on the island. So, no one went home. But someone will today. Who will it be? Find out right now, on Total Drama Nether!" Herobrine said

* * *

Killer Chickens (4): Zombieswine, Silvester, Endie, Blaise

Screaming Pigs (5): Agatha, Ron, Zupay, Joe, Mite

* * *

Ron was walking along the netherrack beach, thinking.

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like Wither really was possessing Joe. It all just made sense.

But how would he prove it? Ron needed to find evidence.

Maybe he would have to go find Wither himself.

"Challenge time!" Herobrine's voice said over the loudspeakers. "Meet me outside the cabins!"

* * *

The nine remaining mobs stood in front of Herobrine outside of their cabins.

"Happy Valentine's Day, mobs!" Herobrine said.

"Wait, it's Valentine's Day?" Agatha gasped. She and Zupay shared a look.

"Yes it is! You wouldn't know because you're trapped in hell, but whatever!" Herobrine replied.

Ron sighed. "I could be spending Valentine's Day with Sno..."

"Well anyway, today's challenge is a three parter! We will have three mini challenges!" Herobrine announced. "The first one is a pickup line contest!"

He snapped his fingers, and two robotic Villagers appeared.

"To win this challenge, your team has to get the 'love meter' higher than the other team's. To make the love meter go up, you have to tell it a good pickup line. If it's good, it will raise the lever of the 'love meter' some. All the team's pickup lines combined will make up the 'love meter'" Herobrine explained. "Since the teams are uneven, one of the Screaming Pigs will have to sit out."

"Joe will," Mite said before anyone could say anything.

"Hey wait a mi--" Joe started.

"Too late it's been decided!" Herobrine interrupted. "First up, one of the Killer Chickens will go, since they won last challenge."

The four Killer Chickens hesitated a moment. Then, Endie stepped up to one of the robots.

"Are you a torch? Because you light up my world."

The love meter on the robot's chest rose twenty notches. There were fifty notches on the meter.

"Not bad. Next, a Screaming Pig," Herobrine said.

Agatha immediately stepped up to the other robot.

"Do you have a diamond pickaxe? Because I'm harder than obsidian."

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