Deal with the devil

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I know I am a terrible person, it took me forever to write this chapter. My school is finally over, but I was a little depressed and I had some writer's block or something, I‘m really really sorry.


„So you think you can get me out of here?“ Klaus looked at me.

„Of course I do.“

„Look, I‘m not kidding.

„Neither am I.“


„Because you are my father, no matter what and I want you back. I need you back.“

„Seriously, I don‘t know how to be a good father. You shouldn‘t like me. I don‘t think most people do.“

„The people who know you love you. The real you. And who cares if some stupid vampires hate you because you killed their family? Look at you, you have a chance to change yourself. And all that makes you strong enough to help me.“

„But I don‘t know how.“

„We will figure it out. It was my fault you died. It‘s my fault you are here where you don‘t belong.“

„It‘s not your fault!“ he hesitated and then he finally said. „Then for you, I‘ll try to do it.“

„Thanks dad.“

We hugged before we turned to look at who interrupted us.

„Having a Coke with you is even more fun than going to San Sebastian, Irún, Hendaye, Biarritz, Bayonne

or being sick to my stomach on the Travesera de Gracia in Barcelona 

partly because in your orange shirt you look like a better happier St. Sebastian

partly because of my love for you, partly because of your love for yogurt

partly because of the fluorescent orange tulips around the birches 

partly because of the secrecy our smiles take on before people and statuary...“ 

„Nybbas? What the hell?“

„it is hard to believe when I’m with you that there can be anything as still 

as solemn as unpleasantly definitive as statuary when right in front of it 

in the warm New York 4 o’clock light we are drifting back and forth 

between each other like a tree breathing through its spectacle 

 and the portrait show seems to have no faces in it at all, just paint  

you suddenly wonder why in the world anyone ever did them....“

„Are you done?“

„You didn’t like it? It was for you from the deepest part of my heart.“ he said dramatically, making fun of me.

„You don’t have a heart.“

„Grow up.“ he had the smile of a fox.

„What do you want?“ I asked him.

His eyes connected with mine. On the inside, he was grinning, I could tell.

„You.“ he said.

„Where is Dabria?“

As he moved toward me, I backed up. He looked at me, his eyebrows lifted.

„It doesn’t matter. I have a question.“ he said. „A lot of them.“


„About everything.“ His mouth twitched and I was pretty sure he was fighting a smile.

„Wait. Who is he?“ Questioningly Klaus’s eyes looked at me.

„He is mine...“

„Guardian angel.“

„What?“ Klaus and I asked him.

„I saved you.“ Nybbas looked at me.

„If you’d saved me, we wouldn’t be standing here having this conversation.“

„You mean if I hadn’t saved you we wouldn’t be here.“

„That’s not what I said.“ He had no idea what I meant and I was enjoying her confusion.

„Why wouldn’t we be standing here?“ he glared at me.

„What’s happened between the two of you?“ Klaus looked at us a little suspiciously.

„Nothing.“ I said, maybe a little too fast.

„Ali, are you ok? You look a little distracted.“

I mentally shook myself. „Of course, we have to go.“

I have to do something. I realizes what was happening to me was because my soul wasn’t in the right place. That made sense. The longer I was here the more distracted I was. Technically I was dead. It was totally weird to think that I was dead. Not scary weird, bizarre weird, because I didn’t feel dead. I felt like me, just in another place. It was hard to figure it out but what wasn’t hard to figure out was that we really didn’t belong here.

„We have to find the mirror.“ I sighed. „Nybbas, can you please help us?“

He gave me a mysterious smile. „Of course I can.“

His answer came easily and I decided it probably meant he was telling the truth. Unfortunately, when it came to telling lies, Nybbas didn’t look as an amateur.

„You know where it is, right?“

„Let me show you.“

I asked myself if I thought he was hiding something but he looked so relaxed that it made me think he was telling the truth.

Sometimes I felt like he didn’t belong here, either. It was like his spirit was searching for something else, something he couldn’t find here.

„You died too soon.“

I jumped in surprise. He was standing in front of me, staring at me with him blue eyes.

„You are not happy here. Of course, no one can, but... you’re different. They told me that.“

„Who’s they?“

„The ones that are kinda like you.“ He stepped closer to me. „Don’t you remember we talked about them? Spirits? Souls?“

„Wait, why did you say I am different?“

„Because you are." 

"Cant you just tell me?!"

"Nope." he said with smile on his face. 

"Screw you! Ho annoy someone else!"

He laughed. "No more begging for my help? Then you know what? You can find your stupid mirror yourself.“

„What?! Why can’t you help us? I will give you anything!“ I said desperately.

„I want something from you.“

„What do you want?“ I asked.

„You owe me. Someday I’ll come to collect.“


I know this chapter sucks but I‘m already working on the next one :)

The poem is "Having-a-coke-with-you-by-Frank-O‘Hara"

Family Above All (Alexandra, Klaus's daughter - TVD FF) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now