Subway Crush: Fourteen

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Everyone hates Monday, because it scares the hell out of them. But ironically, those four best of friends were happy, a smile is casted on their lips as they thought of what happened to that dance floor.

"You guys look fools you know." Their classmate Cana said when she passed by them, but the four just giggled.

"Yes, I'm foolishly in love with Gray-sama." Juvia said, sighing for the nth time.

"What can I say? He just said I'm cute." Erza uttered, a tinge of pink were visible on her cheeks.

"He just live next door, so I got the chance to see him everyday. New mission always be out on the garden so that he'll see me-- oops, so that I see him instead." Levy said, giggling a little bit.

"It's okay to be a fool who likes a guy whom I still don't know the name, at least he explained me those details he didn't have to say." Lucy said, the four looked to each other, eyes widen in a sudden realization.

"What?" They all blurted in unison making Cana shook her head, "You guys are weird."

"Is it true?" They yet again said, not caring if Cana were still there or not.

"What true?" They all stiffened to their position as they heard that voice. As if they'd practiced it for a million times, the four looked in front only to see him standing there.

"Sir Kenji!" They all exclaimed in horror, as if the were caught cheating on their exam.

"Tsk tsk, tsk. You guys never learned. I didn't let you four sit beside each other so that you wouldn't be the next gossip girls, but you always make a way to be with each other. Go back to your respective seats!" Their teacher scolded them, making them go back to their sits in an instant.


"Goodbye. Huhuhu, we'll part ways again, but worry not comrades, We'll see each other soon!" Erza yelled, beads of tears roll down on her cheeks as she bid farewells to her friends.

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