Subway Crush: Epilogue

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Lucy felt a small soft hand touched her cheek that instantly brought her back to the reality she'd left not so long ago, she took that tiny hand and kissed it before looking to the owner of that hand, she smiled at him before running her fingers to his soft blonde colored hair, "Mama! Cry..." Her two year old son said in a low voice but it was laced with sadness.

She flinched on what her baby said, she instantly touched her cheeks and realized that it was indeed damped with her tears. She must have carried away with the sudden emotion she felt as she remembers what had happened I'm the past in this very same subway station.

She sighed, everything's just a memory now. And yet the pain is still there in her heart, as if it just happened yesterday.

"Sorry, I finished my layout that's why I'm late."  She heard a baritone voice on her side that instantly made her look at the way, she smiled genuinely to him, his blonde hair sways with the air coming from the big electric fan, "It's okay. Let's go now?" She asked, she saw him nod his head.

The man was her husband, Sting Eucliff.

After what happened thirteen years ago, she went to Hawaii. It was too much for her to stay in the place that changes everything.

She remembers everything.

She was on his side, her eyes didn't stop shedding tears as the help came. They tried to revived him, but it was already too late. Natsu Dragneel died that very day. But she didn't believed them, she tried to revive him on her own, but after a few try he was still lying on the same ground motionless, his body temperature starts to fall, his lips' turning purple and she did nothing but wept.

She didn't left his side, even when the nurse told her that they'll put him in the morgue. She felt so vulnerable and broken. If the staff didn't gave her an anesthesia, she wouldn't have fallen asleep.

But as soon as she woke up, tears makes way on her eyes once more and she quickly went to look for him, she saw his mother and there she said everything that happened. Her mother came as well and brought her home.

She cried for days, she couldn't eat properly and her family and friends were worried about her. That's when her mother decided that they should migrate in Hawaii.

It took a year and a half for Lucy to stop shedding a tear everyday she sleeps and woke up, but she was still devastated.

Sting Eucliff was in the Hawaii for a vacation when he saw his childhood friend Lucy Heartfilia looking at the vast ocean with a solemn eyes. He was the one who had mended her broken heart and after seven years she finally said yes when he asked her to marry him.

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