Naruto - a Narnia rewrite?

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Ugh. I groaned as I looked at myself in the mirror. Damn school uniform. Whoever designed this thing's a plank. "School uniform is a great idea, lets stop our children getting bullied by making them wear jumpers the colour of s***! There is no way in hell a plan this great could ever backfire!!!"


I plucked at the brown jumper, remembering when the new headmaster came and showed us pictures of it in assembly.

"Those jumpers are crap!" one of the boys yelled, and the whole of our row called out:

"If you'll pardon the pun!", a new phrase for our little gang, and were rewarded for being smarticles with detention.

You should see the school photos. It looks like a giant took a dump and that dump morphed into us. Seriously. No joke.

I caught sight of the scissors that glinted from on my desk, and my hand itched to take them and cut giant holes in this jumper. It would be an improvement. Well, at least they couldn't stop me wearing my stripy socks. I love mah stripeh socks!! I love anything stripy! Zebra's are my favourite animal, so much so that in the good days before we had uniforms I went into school head to toe in black and white stripes. My math teacher, Mr Byron, sent me to Detention, saying I was painful to look at, so the next day I came in fully in black.

"Its an improvement, but what, are you a panther now?" he asked sarcastically, and I blinked innocently at him and then yelled:

"Heck no!!! I'M A NINJA ZEBRA!!!"

To which he responded by throwing a board pen at my face.

Anyway, you are probably wondering something along the lines of "Who the hell is this crazy girl? Has she had too much crack?!" well the answers to those questions are coming shortly. Firstly, yes, I have had too much crack.

Secondly, my name is Charlotte (Charlie [charles]) Griffin, no I am not related to Stewie Griffin (although that would be cool), and I live in Africa. No, just kidding, I actually live in a small town in Florida, America. I am fourteen years old, and I am tall, skinny, and unusually pale (for someone who lives in Florida) with light brown hair and blue-green eyes. Don't start with the wise cracks, I've heard them all. If wise cracks were pokemon, well, lets just say, I'd have more than enough pokemon on my hands, and would be seriously worried as I thought that pokemon were just on TV.

I like being pale, though. It helps my punkish look. Well, I'd say its more skater punk, consisting of lots of beanie hats and skinny jeans and torn t-shirts. I used to always get upset that I would never tan, but now I see it as a good thing, because I don't burn either.

I tweaked my uniform a little more, jamming my drainpipe-green beanie down over my newly straightened hair. It was the only one that matched my school uniform. It had a few badges pinned to it. I outlined my eyes in black kohl, and then pulled on my fingerless gloves, grabbed my bag, slipped on my converse and went outside to wait for the school bus. I sat down on the bench, daydreaming about Naruto. I know, I'm sad, in love with anime, but whatever, it is amazing!!! I don't really have a favourite character, though. They are all awesome! Well, except Orochimaru and Kabuto...



I sighed, pulling out my tippex pen and writing on my black converse.

"School days are the best days of your life." a voice said, reading over my shoulder. I looked up to see my bud Tommy standing behind me. I then continued, crossing out the best and scrawling the word worst above it.

"Oh, that makes much more sense. Especially with our fughut of a school."

"Yeah." I paused and grinned at him, and then we both said together "planks." and then laughed.

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