Chapter 1

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My best friend, Amy, is something else. She comes up with the craziest things sometimes. I've had a bad history with men. Usually they'll be good to me until they get some then they leave. What is with these men? They're all arrogant assholes.

This is why Amy came up with the idea of getting revenge. She began with the male population but after I insisted that it was humanly impossible, she lowered the number significantly to just the men that have treated me bad. I'm not one to sleep around so there's not too many, only a few.

She rambles off different sorts of revenge as I write down each guys name. Keying his car would be an original girl thing to do... but that seems too simple. "Do you know where any of them put an extra key?" she asks hopefully.

Glancing at the list, I point at John's name. "Under a rock by his as steps."

She takes the pen and paper and begins writing something. "Good. For him, we'll completely destroy his kitchen. I'm talking syrup om the floor, flour on the fan, and eggs on the wall. That'll teach him to be a dick-wad," she smirks. I chuckle, leaning back against my headboard. "Do any of them have emotional attachments to things?"

I tap my chin in thought. "Jared is obsessed with his car. He says it's his baby," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Eck," she says, sticking out her tongue. "We'll saran wrap his entire car and spray paint something pretty on it."

I grin. "Perfect."

"Anything special about the rest of them?"

I shake my head. "I don't think so."

Nodding, she closes the notebook. "Then it's official. We'll cut the rest of their dicks off."

I laugh dryly. "Ha, ha, ha. You're hilarious."

She narrows her eyes at me. "Juliet, I'm serious."

"No," I say slowly. "You're psychotic."

She chuckles. "Maybe so but I'm doing this for you."

I smile. "I'm grateful. We'll plan out the rest soon. Tomorrow we can go shopping for supplies but right now we have to get ready for Luke's party."

Luke is our best friend. The three of us have been attached at the hip since birth practically. We've done everything together. I've had a crush on him since kindergarten but he always says I'm like his sister so I kind of got pushed into the friend zone. I've decided tonight was the night I'd act on it though.

With that decision, I wear the tightest black dress I own which also happens to be the shortest. Amy does my hair and makeup for me then we're on our way to Luke's new years eve party. As long as I stick by his side the whole night, everything will go as planned. I'll get my new years kiss from him.

We pull into the driveway and give the keys to the valet guy. Luke's family is rich. His grandfather owns one of the biggest automobile company's in the country. When he passes away, he'll hand the company down to Luke's father. So, eventually, the company will be Luke's.

Amy links her arm with mine as we walk to the door. She checks the time on her phone. "You better find Luke. If not, he'll be kissing someone else in... seven minutes."

My eyes widen. "Seven minutes? This is all your fault. You wanted to plan revenge on -"

"You're wasting time," she sighs.

I pull my arm away from her and rush into the house. Looking around frantically, I try to find him. But with all the people, I can't see anything. There's a large digital clock projected on the wall for the countdown.

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