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» "these are things I gotta say to you, make me feel irreplaceable..."

Louisville, KY;

"I know for a fact that you haven't been home for this long and not so much as stopped by my house." Hattie scolded over the telephone.

"I'm sorry, aunt Hattie. I've been really out of it. But, I could use a nice home cooked meal..." She trailed off, hoping Hattie would cook.

"Pff. I guess you'll just come over here and see what I have." She hinted. It didn't take another word for Paris to be sliding her shoes on.

"I'll be over soon."


"Slow down," Hattie laughed, "It's not leaving your plate, girl."

"I've just been so stressed and tired, I'm too tired to eat some days. And not to mention that all I've been eating is fast food." Paris explained.

"That tired, huh?" She asked, leaning against the counter in her kitchen. Paris nodded and continued to eat her food.

"Sweetheart, how have you been feeling lately?" Hattie asked, sitting in the chair next to Paris. Paris just shook her head.

"Horrible, I think it's the stress. It's been making me physically sick." She told her.

"Could be... or you could be pregnant, maybe." Hattie rose and eyebrow at her and her eyes widened.

"Huh? No... I'm not pregnant. I don't think I'm pregnant." Paris said biting the corner of her lip.

"Is it a possibility?"

"I mean, yea. I guess it is, but... God, I hope I'm not pregnant." Paris let her head fall into her hands.

"It's not a bad thing, Paris." Hattie said patting her back.

"We don't have any money and we just lost Brylee. I don't think Bryson can do it again I don't think I can do it." Paris replied, looking up at her.

"Well, if you are, it's not like the baby will be here tomorrow," she said letting out a light chuckle, "You'll definitely have time to prepare."

Paris nodded and sat back in her seat, biting down on her bottom lip. Could she be pregnant again? The thought of another child scared her.

She finished eating and went up to Bryson's room to lay down. She had fallen asleep and was awaken by the door opening.

"I didn't mean to wake you, I was just checking in." Hattie said laying another blanket in a chair by the door.

"What time is it? I should go home."

"Girl, now if Bryson was here, you'd be sprawled out across the bed, knocked out. This is your home and you are more than welcome to stay anytime you want to." Hattie smiled.

Paris nodded and smiled, "Thank you, aunt Hattie."

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