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I no longer think of the fire as a bad thing. It was more of a long chapter in the massive book that is our life.

I'm still not sure what it was, and he may never tell me, but when I finally saw Bryson again, he'd just changed.

It was more than a nice condo or a song on the radio, he had a new, and more positive outlook on life.

He came to Louisville soon after I told him I was pregnant, only to help me pack so we could go back to Miami. I not only felt like I had my Bryson back, but a better Bryson; a new and improved Bryson.

More than anything, we had learned a valuable lesson; it's important not to cry for too long over spilled milk. Just clean it up and keep it pushing.

That's what we had to do. There's not a day I don't think about Brylee, but I can't cry or sad, I have to keep moving forward.

Bryson believes in that whole heartedly and that's why he became so motivated, we have plans for the future.

Even when your situation seems like it's bad as ever, don't just let up.

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