« part one • first day »

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"Damn your sisters hot"

Groaning, Amy slid her hand under her pillow to stop the annoyingly loud ringtone coming from her mobile phone.

Looking at the contact ID Amy couldn't help but roll her eyes at the familiar picture of her brother wearing a Christmas hat at the age of 20 drunk off his head.

"What now Jay?" She mumbled rubbing her eyes.
"You better not be in bed." He replied,"I busted my ass to get you this job."

Amy sat up and started getting changed,"Crap. No no I'm awake I'm practically ready."
Jay leaned back in his seat,"Good I'm parked outside."

Grabbing her makeup bag and shoes she tied her hair into a ponytail and started to make her way out of her apartment.

Amy opened the car door and flung her belongings on the passenger seat.
"Thought you said you were ready?" Jay remarked picking up the tossed makeup bag.
"I said practically."

Once fastened in she pulled down the sun visor and started to use the mirror to help apply her daily dose of makeup.

"Of all days," Jay mumbled starting the car,"At least you're not hungover."
"Sober 28 days actually." Amy smiled proudly nudging her brother.
Jay looked at his sister,"You're kidding right?"

Furrowing her eyebrows Amy punched her brothers arm,"Yes Mr know it all. I thought it would be better for the job."
Halstead smiled at his sister,"Yeah yeah it's great."


"Okay, so Voight can be a bit - ," Jay paused trying to find the right word," - actually maybe try not talking to him a lot."

"Jay scared of his boss?" Amy laughed picking up her bag,"Don't worry I won't ruin all your little friendships and special privileges."

Jay shook his head smiling locking the car as she got outside,"Just be nice."
He held the door open for her trying to drive her past Platt without her noticing the resemblance in the two people.

"Didn't know you had a sister Halstead." Platt commented as Jay picked up two badges.
"Yeah well, there are a lot of things you don't know." He mumbled pushing Amy in front of him.

Once climbing the stairs Amy decided to speak up,"Glad to know you talk about me."
Halstead nudged her lightly into the wall smiling,"Shut up Amy."

"So the third famous Halstead member finally makes an appearance."
Amy and Jay looked up to see Antonio sitting on his desk along with Erin.
"Yeah well we don't let her out often." Jay joked looking at his sister.

"Amy right?" Antonio checked before hugging her.
Ruzek leaned against his desk,"So this is it, no more siblings we don't know about?"
Jay laughed,"She's the last one trust me."
Erin smiled and hugged the Halstead sister,"Nice to finally meet you."
"You too,I've heard a lot about you."

Amy turned to her brother,"Hey I'm gonna say hi to Mouse give me a minute."
Jay watched her head downstairs to find his best friend and went to sit as his desk.
"Damn your sisters hot." Ruzek mumbled thinking no one could hear him.
The room fell silent as all eyes where on Adam,"I mean she's alright I guess,not my type."

Erin smiled and shook her head before sitting on the edge of Jay's desk,"So?"
Halstead furrowed his eyebrow,"So what?"
"You can tell you look out for her." She said ,"Must be nice for her."
Jay shrugged,"She's my sister, sorta got to."
"Shut up," Erin rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder lightly.

The pair were interrupted by Amy and Mouse coming up the stairs just as Voight came out of his office.

"You must be Amy," Voight assumed,"Great to finally meet you."
"Yeah you too." Amy smiled.
Voight glanced at Mouse,"Glad to see you already know someone."

Mouse sat at his desk with Amy leaning against it as Voight introduced the case.
"Ryan Shelley 16 found shot on the side of the road last night. He had been involved with a number of gangs in the past but his mother claims he's been out for the last two months."

Antonio passed Amy the file for her to look at,"You buy that?"

"Well teens do tend to sneak around and don't exactly tell their parents everything. It's probably worth talking to his friends."  Amy answered looking at her brother.

Voight nodded,"Mouse check his phone records then Amy and Antonio go knocking on some doors."

Mouse took the phone out of the plastic bag and plugged it in to his laptop whilst Amy jumped off his desk, making her way to her own. As she sat in her chair she noticed 3 missed calls from the same blocked number.

"Weird." she mumbled swiping them away as her brother came over.

"What's weird?" he asked leaning over her shoulder.

Amy shrugged,"Missed calls from a blocked number. Probably someone trying to sell me insurance."

Jay looked at his sister,"Yeah probably."

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