« part two • library chats »

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"Your sister, she's something. She's got what I saw in you."
"Yeah, she defiantly is something."

Jay lent over Amy's desk and grabbed her phone. Looking at the locked phone he decided to ask Mouse.

"You don't happen to know what Amy's phone passcode is?"

Mouse raised an eyebrow,"You sure she'd want you to know?"

"I'm her big brother. I have a right." Jay smiled.

Mouse unlocked the phone in seconds, Amy's passcode was the same as when they dated briefly a few years back.

"I had nothing to do with this." Mouse told him firmly.

Jay laughed walking away,"Nothing at all."

"Why'd you want it anyway?" Mouse asked now curious.

"Just a hunch. Want to follow it up."

Mouse sighed and lent back in his chair,"Just don't let her catch you."

Mouse remembered the argument the two had last time Jay went on her phone. It resulted in Amy ignoring Jay for three months.


Amy sat in the passenger seat next to Antonio tapping the dash board as they parked outside the library where they were hoping to find Ryan's friends. Once parked the pair got out and continued on foot up the stone steps. Antonio grabbed the door handle and held it open for his partner before following her inside.

The duo made their way down towards the back of the library where three sixteen year old boys were sat playing chess. Amy slid into a seat next to them and moved one of the chess pieces,"Check mate."

The three boys looked up at the woman,"Excuse me?"

"Amy Halstead." She smiled leaning across the table to shake their hands. The boys eagerly shook her hand,all awe struck by the beautiful woman not yet noticing Antonio smiling against a book shelf.

"Can-can we help you?" The second boy asked readjusting his glasses.

Amy placed her badge on the table,"I'm here to talk about you're friend, Ryan."

The three boys smiles faded,"Oh."

"We didn't do it." The smallest boy spoke,"You know that right?"

She nodded,"I believe you. I just wanted to ask about Ryan as a person."

"You heard about his gangs didn't you?"

Amy looked over at Antonio before carrying on,"He was still involved?"

One of them laughed,"Like he'd ever leave them."

"When was the last time you saw him?" Amy asked.

"Tuesday, after school. He was with some guys outside school. He told us all her meet us after school on Wednesday." He paused,"He never showed up,he text us saying his mom needed him."

"But she didn't did she?"

The tallest boy sighed,"We saw him smoking with his gang behind school."


Amy slid into the passenger seat before Antonio started the car.

"Your good." Antonio complemented her whilst driving.

"Thanks," Amy smiled,"Must take after Jay."

Antonio laughed,"You two are so alike."

Amy tilted her head to the side,"In what way?"

"I don't know," He smiled,"You just both have something."

Once back at intelligence Amy went to get a coffee with Erin leaving Antonio with Jay.

Jay entered bearing two steaming coffee cups, he placed one on his desk and passed Antonio the other.

"The girls decided to get proper coffee. Neither of them think much to the district machine."

"Women." Antonio remarked sipping his own.

"Try growing up with Amy she's the worst." Jay said rolling her eyes.

After a pause Antonio decided to speak up discussing the newest Halstead.

"Your sister, she's something." Antonio told him,"She's got what I saw in you"

Jay smiled,"Well she's defiantly something."

"She worked hard though. To get where she is. She wasn't always so," Jay paused trying to find the right word,"together."

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