« part seven • college friends »

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"Reunions are never fun."

Amy's heart was pounding in her chest as she got ready for work the next morning. She had kissed the guy her brother claimed was a complete jerk and waste of space. Will would defiantly be pissed. She grabbed her jacket from the side just as Jay honked the horn of his car to gain her attention.

"Seriously Aims, your the worlds most unlucky person when it comes to cars." Jay smiled leaning across in his seat to open the door.

Rolling her eyes Amy ducked and got in to the passenger side,"Shut up Jay."

Laughing Jay put the radio on and began to follow the usual route to the district.

"You do like it here right?" He asked as they pulled up,"You don't have to stay if you don't want to."

"My brother fed up of me already?" Amy smirked raising an eyebrow as she gathered her things.

Jay shook his head,"No I just want you to be happy."

Hearing her brother say this made her smile. She knew how much Jay cared for her and was starting to like being so close to him again like when they were younger; it was only when he went to Afghanistan that times changed.

"How considerate of you."
She laughed before turning to him,"Seriously though it feels good to be home."

When Jay heard her say that he couldn't help but smile, finally his sister was in the place she deserved to be after all these years.

Jay parked in his usual spot once they reached the station and the pair got out and headed inside. Just as they were walking past the front desk Platt stopped the two.

"Halstead." She said making the two stop in their tracks. Platt had completely forgot Amy was also a Halstead.

"Uh you-" She mumbled pointing at Amy,"-there's a woman over there. Wants to see you. Stacey Foreman."

Jay raised an eyebrow and mouthed the woman's name over to her,confused, as he made his way up the stairs. Amy shrugged and turned around to find a blonde, smartly dressed woman the same age as her standing behind them.

"Amy!" She squealed hugging her tightly,"I didn't know you were back in Chicago."

Once Amy heard her voice she knew who it was, Stacey Foreman the most popular girl in her year at college. She was the best at everything, dated the football players, won any debate. How could she forget Stacey?

"Stacey, hi." She forced a smile onto her face,"What's up?"

"Well, I've come to invite you to a little get together we're all having. Everyone from College. You know the football team, mathleates nearly everyone." She smiled enthusiastically,"It's a bit short notice as its tomorrow night but I only just found you."

Amy cringed slightly at the blondes enthusiasm. She didn't really want to spend an evening socialising with a bunch of people she hardly spoke to in college anyway.

"I'll have to check my schedule." Amy told her,"I've just got back got a few things I need to take care of."

That was all lies and Amy knew it. Before she even moved back Jay and Will had sorted almost everything for her; right down to changing her address for her phone bill.

"Of course." Stacey grinned pulling out a cream envelope with Amy's name on it,"If your free give me a call, all the details are inside."

Amy took the envelope and showed Stacey out the door. Once she was out of sight Amy groaned. This really wasn't how she wanted to spend tomorrow night. She made her way back up the stairs to Intelligence where her brother was eagerly waiting.

"So what'd she want?" He asked sitting up next to Mouse.

"To invite me to some kind of college reunion she's having tomorrow night." Amy sighed passing him the envelope.

"You gonna go?" Jay asked reading the invite.

Amy shrugged sitting at her desk,"I don't know I hardly remember most of the people anyway."

Jay handed her back the invite,"Might be fun."

Erin shook her head,"Reunions are never fun."

Jay frowned at Erin,"Thanks for your words of confidence."

Mouse stepped in deciding to change the topic of conversation,"Won't Lauren be there? Or Taylor?"

Amy smiled slightly remembering her two best friends from college,"I don't know. Maybe."

"I can get you their numbers?" He suggested,"Ask them if they're going?"

"Thanks Mouse."

Thankfully for Amy the conversation ended there as Voight came into the bullpen, pinning a photo to the board.

"Megan Tate. She is currently in Chicago med. Last night a driver found her unconscious on the side of a road." Voight explained,"She had been drugged,raped and dumped."

Jay looked at the picture of Megan. She looked like Amy when she was in college. It made him feel sick that someone could do that to a girl only 19.

Voight then pinned up three more pictures of similar looking girls all the same age from different campuses, all drugged, raped and dumped on the side of a road.

"These girls are only the victims that have come forward." Voight said pointing a finger at the three girls pictures,"There could be more."

"I want Antonio and Amy to head to med and speak to Megan whilst the others speak to the two other girls." Hank instructed,"We're not stopping till this creep is off the streets."

Amy picked up her phone getting ready to leave with Antonio when Jay grabbed her arm,"You sure you're okay going?"

"I'm fine." She assured him as she left with Antonio for the car.

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