« part ten • secret »

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"You can't tell anyone. Especially Will or Jay."

Will could tell something was up when he got the text from Jay thanking him for giving Amy a lift to work when he had not even spoken to Amy that morning over the phone let alone driven her to work.

In fact he'd last seen her at Molly's looking very cosy with the one particular college he disliked, Dr Rhodes.

Before starting his shift he was put his belongings away in his locker just as Connor stepped into the break room and poured himself a cup of coffee.

What if his sister had spent the night at Connor's? That would explain why she wouldn't want Jay picking her up. As he pieced things together in his head, he slammed his locker shut earning Connor's attention before walking past him out into the hospital. As soon as his shift was over he was going to find Amy.

"Hey Will, what's up?" Nat asked her friend as she signed some discharged papers.

Will sighed and picked up the tablet displaying a patients x-ray,"It's Amy."

Nat furrowed her brow,"Your sister? Is she okay?"

Running a hand through his hair he decided to get a females opinion on the situation,"As her brother I have a right to know stuff right? About her personal life?"

Nat nodded,"I guess. Where's this going?"

"I think Amy's sleeping with Connor." He blurted out to his friend making her stifle a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Will asked folding his arms across his chest seriously.

Nat shrugged,"I don't know I just expected it to be something a lot worse."

"Worse than the Dr heartbreaker dating my sister?" Will frowned at Natlie.

Natalie sighed and closed the patient file she had been holding,"Look Amy is a grown woman now. She can make her own decisions."

As much as Will didn't want to hear it Nat was right. He couldn't stop Amy seeing someone if it makes her happy. He just didn't want to see her get crushed when Rhodes moves on with another woman.


"What am I even meant to wear?" Amy sighed looking at her computer screen. For the past hour she had been sat trying to think of an excuse to avoid going to her college reunion.

"Amy you could turn up in a sweatpants and a t-shirt for all I care. You're still going." Jay said not looking up from his computer screen.

Lindsay put her hand on Amy's shoulder,"Swing by mine after shift. I'm pretty sure we're the same size."

Amy smiled gratefully at her new found friend just as Voight walked into the room,"Where we at with the victims?"

"We didn't get much from Megan. She's still clearly traumatised." Antonio told Voight.

Erin sighed,"The same from the other two."

Jay stood up after flicking through his note book,"Actually all the girls went to a party the night they were attacked. Posters seen around their college campus."

"Right," Voight said writing the information on the whiteboard,"That's something to go on."

"They all went to the same college but didn't know each other." Mouse added on his computer.

"Antonio and Amy go and have a look round the college. See if there is any posters up for any parties."

Amy grabbed her jacket and followed Antonio downstairs to their car as Voight gave out tasks to the rest of the group.

Once seated in the passenger seat next to Antonio, they started the drive to the high school campus.

"You seem happy." Antonio chuckled glancing over at the younger Halstead.

"It's thought of me meeting everyone from college who voted me most likely to be a fast food server." Amy replied sarcastically.

Antonio shrugged as he pulled into an empty space,"Guess it's your chance to prove them wrong."

As Amy got out of the passenger side and waited for Antonio she noticed a flyer stuck between the windscreen wipers of the car next to them. She pulled it out and passed it to Antonio,"Looks like we're heading to a party tomorrow night."


Amy sat cross legged on Erin's bed as she pulled out dresses for her to try on ready for her college reunion that night, despite Amy's protests Jay had firmly told Erin to make sure she went.

Erin riffled through her closet until she found the particular red dress she'd been hunting for. She pulled it out and handed it the brunette.

"This, will look amazing on you." Lindsay smiled. She could now pick out the features on her face that made her looks like her brothers. Faint freckles dotted her cheeks under her makeup, her eyes were the same colour as Jay's and her hair had the same very slight auburn tinge to it.

Ever since Amy had started working with the team Jay seemed happier and more at ease. It was easy for anyone to see how much he cared for his sister.

Amy shone the standard a million dollar bucks Halstead smile and headed to the bathroom to change with a pair of black heels in her hand. It didn't take long for her to change. Whilst she was in bathroom she took a minute to look in the mirror before heading out to an eagerly waiting Lindsay.

"Hurry up Amy!" Erin called from outside like a child. Amy laughed and opened the door.

Erin smiled and hugged the brunette tightly before whispering in her ear,"You look amazing."

"Thanks Erin." She smiled,"Really."
Walking over to the bed she sat down and slid one of the heels on her foot Erin following, taking a seat on the end of the bed.

"So, are you going to tell me what got you so happy this morning?" Lindsay smirked,"Or should I say who?"

Amy simply laughed and carried on putting her other shoe on earning a groan from her friend next to her,"Amy come on!"

" If I tell you, if! Then you can't tell anyone. Especially Jay and Will." Amy turned to her face stern faced,"It's nothing serious."

Erin nodded eager to know all the details,"I won't tell Jay or Will. I swear."

Halstead bit her lip and closed her eyes, she didn't want to see her friend's reaction,"Dr Rhodes."

Lindsay let out a squeal of excitement and gently pushed her friend like a school girl before Amy quickly silenced her.

"Look it was a one time thing, It's not like it will be anything serious. Jay and Will defiantly can not find out. Will hates the guy and Jay would flip." Amy told her.

"Okay okay!" Erin smiled her hands in surrender,"I won't tell a soul if you tell me one thing?"

Amy rolled her eyes,"What?"

"Was he good in bed?" Lindsay smirked before being hit in the face with a pillow as Amy got up laughing.

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