« part nine • last night »

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"Sorry  I've been a bit of pretty crappy company"
"Its okay I enjoy your crappy company."

"You guys should go get some rest, you all look beat." Voight told the group of tired detectives.

Jay sighed and stood up grabbing his jacket before heading out with Erin and Amy. Al went to go see his family whilst Ruzek went to go and grab Burgess.

Amy slid into the back seat of Jay's car letting Erin take the front. Jay turned around in the drivers seat to ask his sister where she wanted to get dropped off.

"You can stay at mine tonight Aims." He offered.

Amy shook her head,"I'll be fine. Drop me at Molly's, I said I'd meet someone there."

Jay raised an eyebrow smirking at his sister making her blush.
"I'm making friends." She told him fastening her seatbelt.

Erin lightly punched Jay,"Leave her alone."

Doing as he was told he turned back around and started the short drive to Molly's.

"You sure you can make your way home?" Jay asked winding the window down as she got out.

Amy rolled her eyes,"I'm not 15 anymore Jay."

Shrugging Jay smiled,"You'll always be my baby sister."

Pulling a face Amy turned around and opened the door to Molly's,"Shut up"

Amy was greeted by Herrman at the bar along with Dawson. Despite not knowing them long she got along really well with the two firefighters.

"So how was your shift?" Herrman asked passing her a drink,"Kick some ass?"

"Not exactly." Amy sighed,"Tough one."

Gabby smiled sympathetically,"We're here if you need anything."

After thanking her Amy felt a hand on her shoulder making her jump. But once she turned around realised it was Rhodes and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey sorry, hope you haven't been waiting long." He smiled sitting next to her.

Amy shook her head,"Hardly."

Once he'd ordered his usual the pair moved away from Gabby and Herrman to sit on their own.

"How was your day?" He asked drinking his beer,"Any closer to catching that guy?"

Amy sighed and shook her head,"We haven't got a lot to go on. It's a tough one."

"You know you were the first person at the hospital who Megan would speak to." Connor told her,"She likes you."

At the mention of Megan Amy's stomach shifted,"How she doing? She's okay right?"

Connor nodded,"Yeah she's fine. Should be out in a day or two."

"That's good." Amy mumbled thinking of the long road that girl had ahead of her before she would be fine.

"Hey you okay?" Connor asked putting his hand on top of hers over the table.

CrisisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon