« part eleven • destroyed »

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"You of all people know I'm clean"

Amy was at her apartment when she got a text from Will asking her to head down to the hospital, he had something he wanted to talk to her about. She was dressed ready to leave for her college reunion, half of her prayed Will would be quick so she could leave the other half prayed he'd take his time meaning she'd miss most of the evening.

The drive to Med was quick meaning she had plenty of time to find Will and discuss whatever it was that he so urgently needed to. She headed to the Emergency section of the hospital where her brother worked and spotted her brothers college Dr Choi.

"Hey Dr Choi right?" She said walking over to the doctor,"You haven't seen my brother Will have you?"

"In the break room." He smiled glancing up from his patients notes. Amy thanked him and headed to the break room. Just as she reached to open the door someone on the other side beat her to it, Connor.

"Hi," Amy mumbled stepping to the side to let him get past.

His eyes glanced her up and down before walking past her to sign out,"You look amazing."

Amy blushed as she leant against the wall,"Thanks I would say the same about you but you look like crap."

Connor laughed shaking his head,"Well at least your truthful."

"Where are you going? Because I'm pretty sure you don't dress like that just to visit the hospital." He asked.

Amy sighed,"College reunion. Will wanted to see me before."

Just then Will brushed past her to go inside the break room,"Sorry I got held up."

Amy shrugged and followed him inside,"No big deal. What's up?"

Will sat down on one of the chairs taking time to think about how to approach the subject that he thought his sister was sleeping with his college and he didn't like it. It wasn't just he didn't like it, he had never particularly liked any of his sisters past boyfriends, it was that he didn't want to see her get hurt when he moved onto another pretty brunette.

"Jay still making you go to the reunion?" He smiled glancing at her dress and shoes.

Amy sighed and sat down,"Yeah and he's got Mouse on me. They'll probably be tracking my phone knowing those two."

Will chuckled knowing she was probably right about their brother, he knew Jay wanted Amy to go to prove to her classmates she did get clean and did create a life for herself.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Amy asked changing the subject.

"Jay text me this morning saying thanks for giving Amy a lift to work." Will told her,"But I didn't give you a lift."

Amy bit her lip and lied through her teeth,"Jay must have meant to send it to Erin, she gave me a lift."

Will raised his eyebrows unconvinced,"Look Amy, I get you don't have to tell us everything but if your doing something that your trying to keep from us just tell us."

Amy stood up from the table and folded her arms across her chest,"What do you think I'm doing Will?"


"No! I can't honestly believe what you suggesting!" Amy shouted,"You of all people know I'm clean!"

Will closed his eyes, Amy had taken this the completely wrong way, she thought he was accusing of her using again. She left the table and left the room slamming the door after her.

"Amy that's not what I meant!" Will called after. But she was gone. In anger he kicked the chair next to him over, the rebuilt siblings relationship and had been knocked down as quickly as it was built.

Amy was getting the keys out to her car as she left the hospital when she dropped them sending them skidding across the tarmac. With a sigh she walked over to go and get them but was beaten to it when somebody else handed her them.

"You okay?" Connor asked pressing the keys into her hand.

Amy shook her head,"I don't suppose your free tonight?"

Rhodes smirked,"What've you got in mind?"

"A college reunion?" She said shrugging.

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