« part four • stitches »

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Amy zipped her coat up as high as it would go to try and block out the freezing Chicago air which hit her as soon as she left her apartment.

Jay had offered her a lift but Amy really didn't want to re discuss what she had told Erin with him so decided to drive herself.

The drive was short and uneventful and once she had arrived at 21st she parked her car next to her brothers and began making her way inside.

But before she could get inside, a drunk man who two cops where escorting inside walked over and punched her across the cheek mumbling something about an ex girlfriend.

"Jesus Christ." Amy mumbled holding the side of her face.

The two cops rushed over and grabbed the man,"Are you okay? We are really sorry."

Amy nodded,"I'm fine." And made her way inside.

"What's up with you?" Platt mumbled as she signed in.

"Nothing." Amy groaned as she opened the door to intelligence.

She dumped her bag on her desk and tried to get to the lockers before Jay could notice but failed miserably.

"Woah Amy what happened?" He asked grabbing the side of her face gently, inspecting the bruise and cut.

Amy moved her head out of his hand,"Nobody, just this drunk guy who was coming in."

"Who was with him? They should have had him cuffed not loose." Jay asked growing angry.

Amy shrugged,"I don't know. Just leave it okay."

"Amy it looks like you need stitches." Jay continued following her down the stairs.

"It's nothing." Amy argued making her way to her locker, past Mouse.

"Woah, Amy you sure it's nothing?" Mouse commented looking up at the blood on her cheek.

Amy pressed her hand against and pulled it away, her hand then stained red.

"I'll call Will." Amy said begrudgingly,"I won't be more than half an hour."

Mouse passed her his phone,"Just go Amy."

Amy grabbed the mobile out of his hand and began to dial her brothers number.


Amy swung her legs sat on the hospital bed her brother had hooked her up with so she could avoid waiting.

She was hoping her brother would stitch her up but instead a dark haired doctor she'd never seen before came in.

"Sorry Dr Halstead got held up," He said putting some gloves on,"I'm Dr Rhodes. I'll try and get you out of here as soon as possible."

Amy smiled and tied her hair back out of her face,"Thanks I'm meant to be at work. My brother is covering for me."

"How'd this happen then?" He asked getting the needle ready of local anaesthetic.

"Some drunk guy they were bringing lost it a bit. Guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time." Amy shrugged.

"Packed quite the punch." Rhodes commented,"I'll give you some anaesthetic for the pain, don't worry it won't effect your working ability."

Amy smiled gratefully,"Thanks."

"Will said you've just moved back." Conner said starting the stitching,"Welcome back."

"I've heard the same about you."

Conner nodded,"Yeah."

"Will this scar?" Amy asked.

"It won't be noticeable." Conner shook his head,"You'll still keep your looks."

Amy blushed slightly,"Thanks. Wasn't exactly what I was worried about that."

"You want the battle scars?" Conner smiled.

"I dunno guys dig them right?" Amy smirked.

Conner laughed,"Sure you're boyfriend will love it."

Amy sighed extravagantly,"If only I had one."

"A girl like you I'm surprised."

Conner put the needle down and passed her a mirror,"Be back in two weeks and someone will take them out for you."

Amy admired the handiwork along her cheekbone,"Not bad. Shame though was looking forward to a scar."

She grabbed her jacket and phone,"Thanks."

"It's okay," Conner replied taking his gloves off,"I'm quite proud of that."

Amy laughed and went to call Jay,"Never know some chicks might dig good stitching."


Jay looked at the side of Amy's face,"That guy could have broke your nose."

Amy shrugged his hand off,"Well he didn't. Sorry to say your baby sister is fully intact."

Jay rolled his eyes and pushed her towards her desk where Erin asked her what happened.

It was nice to see the team already cared for his sister. He knew they'd welcome her with open arms anyway it was just nice to see it.

"Eternal affairs have taken over our case." Voight announced clearly annoyed,"Apparently Ryan's gang has been on their list for the past 8 months."

"So what we got now." Ruzek asked leaning against the filing cabinet.

"Paperwork." Voight told him passing him a stack of paper making him groan.

"Yay." Erin frowned,"Just what I wanted to do."

Amy sat at her desk next to Erin's and Antonio's and started reading through the paperwork.

"Not the best part of the job right?" Antonio smiled over at her.

Amy shrugged,"I dunno I suppose there are worse things."

Antonio laughed,"Your sisters an optimist Jay, glad someone around here is."

Jay smiled over at his sister,"Always has been one."

"God you make me sound soft." Amy rolled her eyes.

"Because you are." Jay exclaimed.

"Better than being a tin soldier." Amy retorted making Erin laugh.

"Hey!" Mouse shouted looking up,"I'm not a tin soldier."

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