Fights and Shattered Glass

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A/N:: This chapter is a bit depressing and in some cases my be triggering. Please do not read if you are sensitive to things such as depression abuse and alcohol usage. If this chapter does end up triggering you please message me privately and I will do my best to help you. ❤️❤️❤️


I got home only to be met by my mother crying on the couch.

"Mom?" My voice cracked as I made my way over to her "mom? Mom what happened? Mom look at me! Mom!" I was panicked and the tone in my voice showed it.

"D-Dean..." She tried to talk but let out small sobs instead

"What do you mean? Mom what happened to him!"

Dean was my brother. My oldest brother I should say, the one who gave me the jeep.

"He he's Uhm he's in th-the hospital" she sobbed out

"Why mom? What happened"

"He's in a coma.. He got in a car accident"

I flopped down beside my mom as the tears made their way to my eyes. My mom sighed and put her arms around me as we both cried on each other. "I'm going to the airport tonight. There was only one plane ticket available. I'm buying you the next one possible I told the airport to inform me of new tickets and they said they'd hold one for me"

I nodded but sobbed harder. Not only is my brother in a coma and could potentially die and I wouldn't even know the cause of the accident if he actually did die but I'd be alone if he did. I mean Dylan has to go back to LA in a few days so I will be alone. Absolutely alone. I guess I should be used to it by now though.

"I'm going to go pack." I nodded and let her go. I walked into my room and collapsed on my bed letting the tears come out in multiple sobs and screams. It wasn't like I was crying for my brother it was more of screaming for help. Screaming to him to wake up because I needed him.


I had been crying for a full hour when my mom told me she was leaving. This only caused me to cry harder though.

I could feel my body giving in. I've had 2 panic attacks in the same hour and a sudden wave of depression rush through me.

I made my way to the kitchen grabbing my anxiety pills anti depressants and sleeping pills. I didn't think the pills would be enough for so just for good measure I grabbed a bottle of vodka my mom never finished.

I took the pills expertly in one gulp and made my way back to my room with a glass and the bottle of vodka in my hand. I also decided I'd grab my vape pen and do anything to clear my mind of my family or the fact I was alone. And id always be alone.

It had been another hour of me being miserable. I was pretty sure I was now drunk considering half of the vodka was gone. I thought I'd be asleep by now but I guess not. I lied down closing my eyes to try and let sleep take over me for the umpteenth time this hour

I was close to consuming the darkness of sleep until the front door broke open and Dylan ran into my room breathing heavily

"Iris?" He said in disbelief I rolled over

"Go away" my voice was raspy. It was obvious I had been crying and drinking. The room smelt like the cotton candy sent the vape pen let out.

"What are you doing? Why are you crying?" He was concerned now but it was like I had no control over my body

"I said go away!" I screamed sitting up now. Tears were still coming out of my eyes and it felt like I couldn't breathe

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