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I woke up this time feeling better. I checked my phone to see it was 3:46 and that I had several messages from my mom.

I just got a message from the airport. Your plane ticket is in our account and it's for Sunday. Start packing

How's Dean?

I didn't care about a stupid plane. If I had to I'd drive over there just to make sure he's okay.

Still asleep.

I sighed getting up and walked to the kitchen only to find a note stuck to my refrigerator door.

I had to go back to the apartment. I wanted to stay and make sure you were alright but I was basically dragged out by Mason and Khylin. Call me as soon as you wake up.

Love Dylan

The edges of my lips tugged upward forming a small smile. He could have just texted me but he had to be cliché and tape a note to my door. Nonetheless I obeyed the note and called him.

You're an idiot Dylan.

What why

You seriously could have just texted me but you had to be cliche and stick a note on my door

Oh well

You feeling better? Are you alright?

Yea. I'm ok. I'm sorry I flipped out though I was just-

No you don't have to be sorry it's ok I understand

I leave on Sunday

I leave on Saturday


Well we have 2 days well 1 technically if you don't count today. What shall we do.

I don't know. I really really don't know.

Neither do I.

Yea well I should probably pack. I'll see you tomorrow?

Yea alright I should too. Bye



It was Saturday now. Dylan and I spent Thursday and Friday inseparable. We were basically with each other every second of everyday unless the other was in the bathroom. We watched movies went in late night drives and even watched the sunrise at like 5am. We did things normal people don't do on an average day and it cleared my mind of Dean and the whole situation.

Right now Dylan and I were on the couch in his apartment waiting for the cue of when he'd have to leave also known as when Tyler posey would get off his ass and go to take a shower.

"As soon as we're done filming I'm going to fly up here to see you" Dylan spoke with seriousness in his voice

"Or... Instead of coming back here whenever it is time to come back here I could fly to LA instead? I mean I have a lot of friends there I could go hang out with them while you film and then when you're not filming I'll hang out with you"

They Don't Know About Us >> Dylan SprayberryWhere stories live. Discover now