Sleepover PT. Two

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Happy new years guys!

"I'll do anything just please stop." I said between every laugh.

"Anything?" He stopped and rose an eyebrow.

"Anything." I confirmed with a nod.

"Then kiss me." He suddenly got closer.

Wait... what?


"That's not how it should go..."

"Then how should it go?" He rose an eyebrow.

"When two people like each other and know it, they will... kiss." I looked away.

"You don't like me? I thought we connected." He loosened his grip but stayed put. My head snapped back to look at his face and he looked a bit hurt and a little hopeful.

"I- we- it's-." I continued to stutter as he got up and looked away embarrassed.

"I get it." He mumbled. I quickly got up and searched for the right words but he beat me to it. "It's not you it's me... right? I mean I fell for you the moment I saw you and didn't want to be apart from you since. I may not show my affection well but I really really like you and I guess I'm stupid enough to think that you like me too." He rambled on before I took his hand in mine and gave him the warmest smile I have to offer then shook my head.

"I like you. I thought you were the hottest man I had ever laid my eyes on when I first saw you. And I was jealous when I thought you were with Darla."

"And I was jealous when I saw you hugging your cousin. Who looks nothing like you." We smiled.

"But I want to like you for you and get to know you. After all, we've only known each other for a couple weeks and I don't want to ruin that with a kiss too early in the relationship." He nodded.

"I understand." He gently pushed a damp strand of hair behind my ear as I giggled. "What?"

"Y-you have food all over your face." I tried to stifle a laugh.

"Ha ha. So do you." He said sarcastically.

"Wait a sec." I walked over to counter to get my phone. Luckily it was food free. I gestured Hunter to stand next to me and make a funny face as I took a picture of the both of us and uploaded it to Twitter and Snapchat.

This is what you get when try to make pizza with us! #Sleepover

I searched for Hunter on Twitter and tagged him. I don't have many followers because I'm hardly on but I know he does and this moment was too funny for me to not share.

After I placed my phone down the oven dinged. I grabbed my mittens and opened the oven that barred the overpowering smell of anchovies.

"Oh lordy!" I tried to plug my nose to no avail.


"Come here and smell our creation." I brought the pizza out and placed it on the counter.

"Oh no, I'm fine... I can smell it from here." He gagged.

"Oh come on Hunter... I made this with my heart." I pouted. He looked at me to make sure I was telling the truth. Normally my pout is unbelievable but seeing as we need to make progress in this relationship, he'll learn that when I pout like this,  I'm telling a lie.

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