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"Hey!" An old lady stuck her head outside of her door. "Does this look like a venting room to you?! It's 11:41. P.M! Keep it down before I report you! Huh, youth never learn do they?" She muttered that last sentence before slamming the door shut. Looks like her alone will wake up the neighbors

"I'll have you know I'm old enough to have a toddler!" Old people these days always think they rule the world. Even when Beyonce gets old, I don't think she's gonna rule the world. I would take her place but all I would do I make people fall in love with Asian dramas, Anime, video games, and food. Oooooooh like Hot Pockets or Rice Krispies or nachos or crispy chicken sandwiches or shakes or strawberry pies.... ah, food sounds good right now.

I let my stomach drag me to wherever and it looks like the winner is......... pizza! Oh yeah! Last time my nose chose for me, I was in Belgium and the sandwiches tasted like gourmet barf with a giant pinch of salt. Not bagging on Belgium but that place was unpopular for a reason.

After scavenging my pockets I managed to get $8 and 2 Chuck E Cheese coins... Score!


Oh, how nice it feels to be full. HA just kidding I would like to eat more but my stomach wouldn't let me and neither would the pizza shop owner. She was actually happy to kick me out after I kept refilling my cup to the brim with hard liquor (Root Beer)and walked back to my seat with the glass half full. And no, I didn't drink before I sat down.

Unfortunately for me, I don't think I can personally figure out the time of night by looking at the moon nor the direction I'm going in because ... well, I'm lost... ... .. . Wonderful.

"Aye yo ma! Watcha doin at a place like this so late at night?" A hoodlum said as he came out of the darkness.

Hunter's P.O.V.

"Dude you're still on that? I thought you'd go to sleep."

"My skills will disappear in my sleep. Plus I'm at the top of my game no one can stop me."

"Whatever you say." Dramatic eye roll commenced. "Can I use your phone? Mine's toasted."

"Yeah whatever... it's on the counter." He waved me away.

As soon as I grabbed his phone I went into another room and called Shiloh.

*ring ring ring*

"Your call has been forwarded to an-." She must be asleep or in the shower.., I'll wait.

1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 miss-

*Ring ring ring*
"Your call has been forwarded-." 

"Damn this!" I marched out my room with just shorts and sandals on and to Shiloh and Danielle's room.

Deep breath. In.... and out.

*knock knock knock*


"Shiloh? Is that you?"

".... oh yeah it's me. " Hmmm her voice sounds weird, maybe it's her morning voice. I can get used to it.

"Why weren't you answering your phone?"

"Oh, it's dead. Forgot to charge it."

"Oh. Well, can I come in-"

"No!" She cleared her voice. "I mean no, Danielle and I... we're a bit unpresentable right now."

"Oh alright. I was gonna get coffee at the café in the lobby meet me there when you get dressed okay?" I just left without a response. She'll be there whether she likes it or not. ;)

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