Author's note

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For all those who have commented on this story and have sent your love, I thank you immensely for boosting the shit out of my ego even when it probably shouldn't be boosted. I know I'm not the best writer or even a great writer but I try to at least be a writer worth reading.

Now with the goods.

I have made a total of 40 rough drafts of different stories, all with AT LEAST 1-2 chapters completed. All I have given up on because I just forget, I feel no interest, or I feel it would be better if somebody wrote the story under the prompt I have given. So with that being said......

-Should I (for those who are interested in writing but don't know where to start(and for those who just need something to write about)) create a Writing Prompts "book" of some sorts where I upload at least five prompts a week (One for each weekday or one upload containing five different prompts). They really aren't bad prompts, I just lose interest in things fast so I never continued them.

I like writing but my mind is always too jumbled to stay on one topic or book so I thought It'd be better if I create the prompts instead of fostering them all in my "Works" tab where they'll sit and rot for all of eternity.

But who knows! Maybe one day I'll write an amazing story with a prompt I thought I'd never be able to follow. And be the next J. R. R. Tolkien.... well maybe not that grand but I'd be a very good writer.

I honestly might do it anyways.................. but let me know your opinion.

Secondly, I want to rewrite The CEO. Ya know, to make it better, more wholesome, and less jumbled. I wrote this book over the course of a year and while in the process of trying to finish it, I had forgotten a chunk of the story, scanned through it, then continued writing because I'm a mess and a genius who needs grilled cheesus(Shout out out all those Glee fans who remember that episode). Perhaps I'll add some secret chapters in or whatever. Idk.

What are your thoughts on this?

Would you be interested in a rewrite and/or would you be interested in the writing prompt idea?

k Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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