Young Moolah Baby!!!

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"Okay. So we should just contact the police right? I mean they could help us, Troy! We-we can't do this ourselves. We have to find her... I have to find her."

"Yeah okay sure let's do that but listen to this scenario first. We contact the police, they wire my phone and tell us to contact the kidnapper. One: the kidnapper know about that and either drops Shiloh off the roof of the Honda Center. Two: kidnappers don't know and says he's already at the Honda center, the cops come. Game over. Three: still they don't know we are with the police but are at their hide out instead and shoot her dead. Four: police take over, no wiring. They just steal my phone and it inevitably takes days to find her and by that time they could be onto us and she could be dead OR Four: we find her OURselves... Which one is it? Contact the police or do this ourselves. We can do this. We just need a plan. There is no way you're paying money to that douche. Even if it isn't a large amount, we aren't fools."

●____Shiloh's P.O.V.____●

I've been sitting in this medal chair with my hands tied behind my back and my legs tied to the the chair and not once have I fallen asleep because if I do I'll "never see the light of day again". I'm not gonna lie though, these people are quite hilarious.

First they kidnap me and call me ma. Like who- no one even says that these days. Secondly they don't even have the decency to knock me out or blind fold me and they won't even let me sleep. They keep splashing hot water on my face and three, whatever they eat here is awful. I don't even know what I'm eating. Let alone drinking. Looks like water but is definitely not water.

"So I've been thinking, Johnny." Lust laced every corner of her words as this woman in lingerie circled me. She sounded like a true New Yorker. "How did one find a girl as pretty as her?" Her hand grazed the back of the chair I was sitting in. She cupped my chin and tilted it up towards her face then proceeded to look into my eyes for a good minute until I blinked. "Now that I think about it... she's not so pretty." Her words, in the end were full of disgust and anger. "So Johnny, when are we gonna do this? You said we'll be rich enough to have that dream house in Malibu."

"Soon, sweets, soon."

  ●____Hunter's P.O.V.____●  

With Shiloh gone and Danielle trying to get our mind's off of the kidnapping, we feel like we're going nuts. I decided to call the police but on a special request saying that they just need to wire the phone and stay on stand by when we go to get Shiloh back. I'm lucky they know my father or else they would've just yelled at me and laughed at my face then taken the case.

"When will detective Comstock come by?" Asked troy.

"He said he'll be here any minute." Troy nodded just as a knock came to the door.

"Detective Steve Comstock." He flipped his L.AP.D. badge open and close then shook our hands immediately after we opened the door.

"Hunter Bond." I said.


"Just Troy?" Asked the detective.

"Just Troy." Troy nodded.

"Well don't mind me as I set up my equipment. I do have my partner coming pretty soon, just don't look at her in the eye."

"Why not?"

"Just... don't." He said as he turned away.

It took Steve some time to finish setting up the machine. He continuously kept grumbling and blaming the device itself then he finally settled with, "I've never had to set this up before. My partner always did" then sat back down so we decided to fill him in a little bit more until his partner came.

"Hi, I detective Annabelle Carter. So what's this case?" She asked as out gaze fell to the floor.

"Kidnapping." Said Detective Comstock.

"So we're tracing the signal first?" We nodded.

"Special request. Troy here is a bit skeptical of the police car's flashiness so we're just settling for this right now. Besides it looks like an amateur kidnapping case we'll just call the guy, find out where he is, and grab the girl."

"It's not so simple Comstock." She said but still obliged.


"Alright call him." She said putting the headphones on and adjusting the frequency.

*Ring Ring Ring*


"Do you have the money?" A hushed voice came from the other side.

"Yeah..." I looked at the detectives as they motioned for me to keep going. "I'll give it to you on two conditions."

"I Don't have the time for conditions." His gruffly voice was laced with annoyance.

"And I don't want to waste my money on some chump so let's make that three conditions, got it?" He didn't reply. "One, I would like my girlfriend back in one piece. Two, If I see one bruise, cut or even a scrape on her body the sum will go down to 5k. And three, We will take her before we trade the money got it? There was this loud cackle on the other end of the phone before a big inhale of breath. I looked at the detectives who were packing up and ready to head out.

"Now how does that seem fair?"

"You would've demanded the money before the girl, would you not?"

He laughed, "You're smart."

"If smart means watching movies then that makes me a genius." I smirked. 

"Amusing, we'll meet you at the Honda Center. You have one hour."He said then hung up.

"Where's the location?"

"At an abandoned arcade in the dark side of town." Said Carter.

"He said he'll meet us at the Honda Center." I told them.


"We'll split up. He could be an ounce bit smart and have left her in one place. Since the Arcade is somewhat close by, Mr. Bond and I will go there. Carter and Troy you head to the Honda Center we'll meet you there after we hit the arcade." Said Comstock.

"What about the money?" Troy asked

"We have this decoy bag that is full of paper. He'll never know. Besides we have to catch the guy. He already committed a crime, we have to arrest him."

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