Chapter Twelve: Oh Lord, Don't Sneeze

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I groaned feeling something cold beneath me except for my head. I knew I was not at home in Kieran and I's nice bed. I wasn't even on the floor. I felt like I was lying on a rock. A big rock.

I could feel something warm followed by soothing shocks stream through my body as Kieran's hand rubbed up and down my arm. I knew it was Kieran. Only he had that effect on me.

My mouth was dry and as soon as I sucked in a big breath a series of coughs followed. My eyes flew open when a sudden rush of pain surged through my chest. The first thing I saw was Kieran looking down at me with worried and tired eyes. My head was resting on his thighs. I looked away from him to my chest seeing the same bloodied shirt I had on when I was with Marilyn.

I gasped, but Kieran hushed me.

"They'll hear you. If they know you're awake they'll take you in for questioning, and you're not ready for that," he said quietly. I gulped and nodded. My throat burned feeling the need to cough again.

"Where's Marilyn?" I asked raising my hand up to the side of his face. My palm cupped his cheek feeling more shocks.

"Here," she said pretty loudly. I dropped my hand and turned my head away from Kieran. It was clear we were in a cell and across from us was Marilyn in one as well.

She was sitting in the corner of her cell farthest from the bars. Two chains attached to the wall with cuffs at the end were cuffed around her wrists. They looked long enough that she could walk to the bars, but I had a bad feeling as to why she refused to get close to them.

Her eye was bruised and she had a healing cut just below it. She was obviously tired, and her shirt was practically gone. You could see part of her black sports bra peeking out of the spots that had been torn.

"Shut up, would you?" Bolton spat from the cell next to Marilyn looking even worse.

I turned back to Kieran feeling my heart rate speed up. Now noticing his swollen, busted lip and crooked nose, I could feel anger swell up in me.

"What happened?" My hand came back up to his face. My thumb ran across his bottom lip lightly.

"I don't know. You tell me," Marilyn snapped angrily. I frowned looking at Kieran's lip.

"They were in the brush," I mumbled feeling like it were my fault we had been taken and locked up. If I would have just kept going when Marilyn came out of literally no where, we could have stopped them. "I was trying to find you. I kept hearing someone from the brush. I should have known the first time," I whispered making myself more upset with every word. "I didn't listen to her when she said to run. They shot me," I said taking in a deep breath. I could feel pain from the wound, "and now I'm probably going to die or something."

Marilyn scoffed. "Stop being so dramatic. They used one of those stupid, disintegrating bullets on you. They melt to silver as soon as they make contact. It wasn't a large enough dose to kill you," she explained making me instantly feel ten times better.

"Yeah, but now we are all stuck here. Damn Cadman Pack," Bolton said weakly pulling on the restraints.

"Why don't I have any restraints?" I asked noticing everyone was wearing some but me.

"You aren't really a danger while you're asleep, Arden," Kieran said softly taking my hand away from his face, placing it into his hand. He squeezed it noticing my confusion.

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