Chapter 2

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*Niall's POV*

I came home last. Boy, I had the longest shift in Nando's and for some reason all the rude people found their way to me. Never shutting their mouths, being rude, throwing insults at me. Thank god I can get them back tonight. My mind had been itching to just send chips flying their way and hitting them straight in the face and if they really annoyed me I could have hit them on the head with a chair and no one would ever know. Secretly I made one guy insane. His chicken burger all of a sudden started floating, but when someone turned around to look at the floating burger it was down, to only soar again when no one was looking. Perks of using your head is that no one knows it was you. 

Dropping my bag in the corner, I jumped on the couch, straight in Louis lap. Honestly, I don't know what it is, but whenever I get close to him, he turns bright red. I love it! So when I turned around to Lou, I couldn't keep the smile of my face. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and it reminded me again how much I adored my best friend. Yes, I love him, but I also know that Louis fancies Harry. The way they are when they are together, it just all loved up. No, I'm not the most jealous guy, but whenever they are giggling like little kids together I go insane. So now I would enjoy my time with Lou until he pushed me off. Turning around, I straddled him and put my head in the crook of his neck. 

"Hey Lou, How was your day?"

"euh... euh... What?"

"How was your day?" I cuddled even closer.

"Euh... Yeah... good Ni. Yours?"

" Meh... Don't want to think about it."

"That aweful?"

"Yes, but I will find and annoy them tonight."

"Good, we'll help. You comfortable enough there?"

"Why yes, thank you for asking. You are rather enjoyable as pillow."

"Don't need food?"

"I'll manage."

Food found it's way to me. That definitely was a good thing about my power, not needing to get up to find food. Mostly I would wait until the boys cooked it, then I would put it on a plate and will the plate to me. Best thing ever, especially for a lazy bum like me. 

I caught the sandwich and put it into my mouth.

"You want one Lou?", I asked sweetly.

"No thanks Ni, I'm fine. Not that hungry." I heard him swallow hard and sigh. Was I bothering him that much?

"You okay? Do I need to move?"

"Nope nope, I'm fine. You can stay, no need to switch seats."

I had never seen Lou so jittery. Was it my fault? I really wondered what I did wrong. 

"Heeeyyy Niii! Your back! How was your day?", Liam asked.

"Ugh, why do I keep forgetting that you smell like chips and chicken whenever you get home. Go take a shower dude!", Zayn said, crinkling his nose.

"Yeah, as I said to Lou, let's not talk about it mate. And you mister Fancy Pants, HOW RUDE!"

Harry casually walked in, raised his eyebrows and smiled goofily. Honestly I am never going to understand that lad. He placed himself next to Liam and put his head on his shoulder. Both of them instantly relaxing. Oh how I was jealous of the friendship they had. I would never understand what made Harry more special than me, but Lou and Li loved being around him all the time and the only thing I could do was just watch them.

So I just got off of Lou's lap and went to my room. I put on my green onesie and mask, my wit supra's and jumped out of the window. Luckily my room was on the first floor, so the jump was never that high. Normally all five would go out, but I just couldn't wait anymore. Sure, normally the people got in at 10 pm, but today I just needed to annoy people. I was upset and frustrated. Never a good combination for Niall Horan. Cars crashed into each other, people flew into the air hitting the pavement hard and bridges started to shake. Tonight I would not only scare people I would hurt them, annoy them, and start chaos. Oh how I loved screaming people. I feed on their energy. While causing mass destruction my mind often sidetracked to Louis. How long would it take for him to notice that I am gone? 

I broke out of my reverie when I heard the sound of a helicopter. Not a police one, oh no, the camera was so visible. So these reporters thought they could film me and get away with it unnoticed. Right.... Not much later a loud crash filled the air, when the helicopter hit the bridge and fell into the water. 

"Ni... Stop already mate... it's not even 10 pm and we promised each other not to kill people..."

"Oh they won't die, look at them, they are enjoying their flight."

The reporters were clutching the helicopter. The looks on their faces were terrifying. The boys had caused a lot of destruction and fear before,  but never had they seen such looks. The reporters were crying and praying for their lives. 

"Ni... Just stop."

"Okay, I'll just drop them again then. If that is what you want."

The helicopter fell back down real fast, but right before it would plunge into the water again, it stopped, I threw it into the air and started spinning it around. The reporters flew out of the helicopter. I only focused on the people now and let the helicopter crash into the river. Water splashed over the bridge with such force a little flood was created, people were holding on to the railing of the bridge and to trees hoping the water wouldn't take them with them. The reporters were knocking against each other in the air. 

I grew rather bored of their pathetic whimpers and irritated squeals. So I slowly let the man and woman down to only release them from my grip when they were two meters above the ground. They fell down with amazing speed and smacked into the grass. 

"I think you had enough mate."

Creating the chaos had released me from my frustration, but now it just came crashing back. I hated being told what to do. 

"You can all stop your meddling. It's still my life and I will still do what I damn please. If you don't like it, I will pack my bags and leave."

I turned around, leaving the other boys gobsmacked.

 When I came home, I took of my clothes and put them back in my closet. I was in need of a hot shower. The warm water hitting my skin made me relax instantly. No it wasn't as nice as Lou's warmth, but it would have to do. Thirty minutes passed and I enjoyed flicking bubbles out of the water to only pull them back to me. 

Zayn tried to talk to me through the door, but when I kept ignoring him he opened the bathroom door. All I wanted was to shower in peace and quiet, so I blasted the water out of the door straight into Zayn's gut making him fly across the room, slamming the door shut. 

The boys left me alone after that. 

I gave up on showering and relaxing after that. A towel flew straight into my face, that is what you get for not paying attention when you use Telekinesis. Soft voices came from downstairs and I just knew they were talking about me. Probably something like:

"What's going on with Niall, he never acts like this. What was him lashing out about."

"I know right, he has never put people's life in danger, that mostly Lou's job."

"Hey, I know my limits, shut up! I never dropped people from the sky or smashed them against the ground from two meters high. I'm worried though. He's changing."

" Yeah, he smiles less than before."

Ugh, I can hear them say it right now. Although, I doubt that they care. Meh, at least I had my fun. Maybe I should just toughen up. People will stop seeing me as a stupid puppy and start to respect me. Who knows, maybe if Lou sees that I am tough and witty like him and Harry he might like me more than Harry, but who am I kidding right. 

I hopped into bed and covered myself with my blanket. When I closed my eyes I heard one last crash. Peeking through my lashes I noticed my wand clock lying broken on the floor. Meh, still got my alarm clock. The sounds coming from down stairs stilled and with the peaceful silence I fell asleep. 

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