Chapter 8

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*Niall's POV*

"Look, I cannot promise that I will stop hurting people, that my bad side will disappear... But if you'll have me, good and bad, than I'll fight alongside you guys. The prospect of coming back after that is not clear yet, but I will come with you now. Just say yes, just take my heart."

Lou was staring at his hands, a doubtful look on his face and it scared me. It scared me a lot.
You could see him debating in his mind, to trust my words or to not trust them. I wanted to hug him, kiss his face and tell him I meant it. That I had made a promise, but that I just needed him to say those words. If he would walk away right now, that would be it. I would let all the anger and jealousy out, I would not hold back and I would not care anymore. My heart would be so empty that it would not be possible for me to think of anything other than how I messed up.

"Niall, I wish I could trust you like that, but..."
"Lou, I know I screwed up okay. I was impulsive and ignored any signs you might have given, but in my time away from you and the lads and got to know myself better. I was on the verge of losing myself, but the images of you kept me sane. Sure, turns out I've got a bit of a mean streak, but I still don't like killing. I'm still me, just more rebellious. There was never a need for me to discover that side of me, cause I wanted to impress you, but not being me made me freak out the way I did."
"Are you saying me that this is my fault?"
"No, no Lou! No, I never said that. I just needed to impress you! I wanted to be good for you and I freaked out because it seemed that you only had eye for Harry. It seemed that you didn't want to have a good boy as your boyfriend. Ugh, I didn't know what to do so I lashed out. "
"Niall, I always loved you... I just didn't know you liked me back."
"Wait, you love me?"
"Yes... How wasn't it obvious!? I always wanted to be with you, blushed when you hugged me. Everybody knew but you. You just never seemed interested so I kept quiet."

I stood up and started pulling my hair, the biggest scream filled the air and I just knew that I was the one that produced the sound. Knowing that I could have had Louis to be mine, but that I had never seen the signs was killing me. My mind was going in overdrive and I was imaging every single way I could have asked him to be mine. With a picnic, at sunset, in the London Eye, with a candle lit dinner. Or maybe even more original and take him out to Disney Land or Paris or anywhere in the world he wanted to go.

Arms suddenly held me tight, a chin found it's way to my shoulder and breath warmed my neck. A tingly feeling spread it's way into my body and right to my heart. It could only be Lou and I was glad knowing he hadn't left.

"Don't beat yourself up over this, please Niall. Calm down. I've got you."

I turned around and had to do everything in my power to not knock him over on the floor and kiss the life out of him. To hug him and never let him go.

"But that's it Lou, I should have been the one to keep you safe, to hug you when you were sad or mad. I let you down. Coming to think of it, I don't deserve you."
"That's for me to decide isn't it?"
"No, you should go, I'm dangerous, I'm bad. I've never been a good friend, I would have never been a good boyfriend, I am just a nobody and it is time that I except that."
"Ni, please?"
"No Lou, I'm going back to Alan, fight his battle and after that I will leave. Far away from my past. Give you a chance to get the life you deserve. It's the least I can do."

I walked away but knew I had to say one more thing, so I turned around and looked at Louis for the last time. His eyes were sad, a single tear rolling over his cheek, his hair was windswept to one side and his shoulders were slumped. This was the imagine that would be burned in my brain forever. The image that would keep me away from Louis, knowing that me being away from him would give him a better future.

"Ni, please."
"No Louis, let me talk. Just shttt."

His hands fell down and his eyes closed. I'm pretty sure he knew what was coming.

"I love you Lou, don't forget that. I will never love anyone else, but you should let me go. See ya Lou."

I held in the urge to run to him and feel his soft lift on mine, just this once. It would have been even more torture afterwards if I had done that. So silently I turned around and started walking. It felt like a part in a superhero movie, where the guy tells his crush it is too dangerous to be together and then walks off in the rain. Only now it was dark and fairly warm. The dramatic effect wasn't that epic as in those movies, but I suddenly realized how they all felt.

"You know what!? Stuff it. I am not going to let you push me away anymore. If you want to be bad and evil so will I. Niall Horan, do you hear me?!"

I wanted to continue walking but hearing Louis so mad, I just had to turn around. He stormed towards me and hit me hard in the face.

"You will never push me away again, do you understand me?! I love you, I Love YOU and I need you. If you necessarily want to be bad than let's be bad together. I will fight along your side."
"No Lou, please don't."

But before I could say more to him, he cut me off by pressing his lips on mine. Every ounce of hatred, pain, emptiness and anger left my body. Every nerve in my body buzzed and gave in to the love that streamed into my blood, making it's way to my heart and doubling it in size. Never had I felt this good, never had I dreamt of kissing the most beautiful and gentle person I had ever met.

"I need you Ni, I have been dead without you. So yes, yes yes yes."

I looked at him with questionable eyes.

"Yes, I take your heart, because you already have mine."

I smiled the biggest smile I could manage and kissed him... Hard and passionate. The way I had always wanted to kiss him. Our heads were touching and our hands were entangled.

Us, the story of me and Louis reminded me of a song I had heard the other day. For some reason I had remembered most of the lyrics.

I like to say we gave it a try
I like to blame it all on life
Maybe we just weren’t right
But that’s a lie, that’s a lie

And we can deny it as much as we want
But in time our feelings will show
Cause sooner or later
We'll wonder why we gave up
The truth is everyone knows

Almost, almost is never enough
So close to being in love
If I would have known that you wanted me
The way I wanted you
Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
But right here in each others arms

And we almost, we almost knew what love was
But almost is never enough

If I could change the world overnight
There'd be no such thing as goodbye
You'll be standing right where you were
We'd get the chance we deserve
Try to deny it as much as you want

But in time our feeling will show
Cause sooner or later
We wonder why we gave up
The truth is everyone knows

Almost, almost is never enough
So close to being in love
If I would have known that you wanted me
The way I wanted you
Then maybe we wouldn’t be two worlds apart
But right here in each others arms
Yeah we almost, we almost knew what love was
But almost is never enough

Only now I could happily say that for us it isn't 'Almost is never enough". 

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